The digital learning ecosystem An efficient management approach to capability development, delivering smarter teams, improved productivity and better business outcome for the managers.
Bridging industry with academia An immersive and collaborative learning experience event, using OilSim simulator, providing highly relevant industry knowledge and soft skills.
The digital learning ecosystem Digitally and seamlessly connecting you, the learner, with pertinent learning objects and related technologies ensuring systematic, engaging and continued learning.
Industry and client recognition
Best Outreach Program Finalist: WorldOil Awards
Overall Customer Satisfaction Score
Training provider of the year: 2013, 14 and 15
Upstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableUpstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableBridging industry with academia An immersive and collaborative learning experience event, using OilSim simulator, providing highly relevant industry knowledge and soft skills.
The digital learning ecosystem Digitally and seamlessly connecting you, the learner, with pertinent learning objects and related technologies ensuring systematic, engaging and continued learning.
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Upstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableUpstream learning simulator With more than 50,000 participants instructed in various disciplines, data driven OilSim runs real-world oil and gas business scenarios and technical challenges.
Engaging. Educational. EnjoyableBridging industry with academia An immersive and collaborative learning experience event, using OilSim simulator, providing highly relevant industry knowledge and soft skills.
Develop measurable skills and capabilities
A profitable development of an oil or gas field start with a good understanding of the subsurface as a basis for efficient and successful field management. The use of AVO and inversion techniques helps to create the best possible petrophysics subsurface model. Improved discrimination of reservoir units are made and models are generated using logs and seismic data. These techniques lead to highly accurate or highly probable (static) subsurface models compatible (if correctly up-scaled) to dynamic reservoir models obtained from reservoir engineering measurements and computations.
The correct use of seismic attributes, well data analysis, AVO and seismic inversion is essential to establish subsurface models that can be used for improved field development planning and design.
At the end of the course participants will understand basic concepts in quantitative seismic analysis and interpretation based on AVO, well-to-seismic calibration and inversion techniques. Participants will consolidate their understanding of modern technology with recent field study examples and practical workshop exercises.
THIS IS A THEORY-ONLY COURSE. A 5-day version of this course entitled Practical AVO and Seismic Inversion with Petrel is also available.
Geologists, petrophysicists, reservoir engineers, processing geophysicists and seismic interpreters involved with exploration and development of oil and gas reservoirs.
Processing for AVO and Inversion
AVO Theory and Practical applications
Well to Seismic Tie
Inversion theory and methods
Inversion applications
Low-frequency models
4D and 3C inversion
Stochastic inversion
Basic Knowledge of applied geophysical principles and seismic interpretation
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