  • Class and Course

    Cased Hole Logging and Formation Evaluation

    The course will cover all the aspects of the fundamentals of cased hole formation and production evaluation. The emphasis during the workshop will be on the fundamental “science” and on the efficient use of logs. The course will also introduce the latest cased hole logging techniques and technology development. A strong element of log quality control is also included, and there are multiple exercises.

    Day 1
    • Introduction to the reservoir, with basic concepts of reservoir engineering and the dynamics of flow in wells
    • Review of the major problems associated with well production
    • Introduction to Cement Evaluation methods and tools
    • Introduction to Corrosion Monitoring methods and tools
    Day 2
    • Monitoring saturation through casing, basic ideas and methods including Pulsed Neutron Capture and C/O Logging
    • The analysis of the data and comparison with open hole
    • Basic production logging sensors and their uses
    Day 3
    • The analysis of single-phase flow in wells, using basic flowmeter logs. Classroom exercises will be used to show classic techniques
    • The analysis of multi-phase flow using fluid density and hold-up measurements in the classical manner
    Day 4
    • The use of the latest measurements to analyse multi-phase flow
    • Introduction to computer based analysis and evaluation models
    • The use of production logging techniques in horizontal wells
    Day 5
    • The analysis of reservoir problems and basic survey planning to maximize useful information
    • A review of perforation techniques including the choice of the methods

    The course is aimed primarily at petrophysicists, petroleum engineers, reservoir engineers and geoscience staff that will either interpret cased hole logs or use the finished interpretation.

    The course will also benefit more senior staff who has not been exposed to log interpretation and wish to learn more on the topic.

    Bangkok, Thailand
    June 30-July 04, 2025
    • Registration for this class closes on June 16.
    • If registration has closed, use the Contact us form to enquire about this class.

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