As international companies move toward a flatter, team-based structure, supervisors and team leaders will need to learn how to combine a leadership role with fulltime operational responsibilities. This course will be aimed at developing core leadership and supervisory skills in people who are new to this demanding role. Participants will learn how to manage themselves and their time, how to delegate effectively and motivate staff, and how to apply coaching, problem solving, and conflict management skills to improve team performance.
The majority of this course will comprise of group activities, case studies, and simulations designed to give participants practice and build their confidence in preparation for a smooth transition into leadership.
The First Steps to Leadership
On the first day, participants will be learn about how to manage themselves, developing a more proactive management style, and how to structure their time management to meet the short and long term challenges they will face. This will supported by applying what they have learned to a variety of situations and case studies.
Day 2Planning and Communication
Course participants will learn how to set goals and objectives, as well as how to use planning tools such as mind-mapping, SWOT, and SMART goals to prepare plans for their teams and projects. They will also learn how to communicate effectively by overcoming communication barriers, in order to efficiently explain plans to their staff.
Day 3Meetings, Motivation, and Delegation
Course participants will learn how to plan and run team and business meetings to effectively achieve their purpose in a limited time. Meetings are often used to motivate staff, participants will learn how to do this by drawing on research and concluding with a set of tips for motivating and encouraging team spirit. The availability of a team is a resource for spreading the work of the group, course participants will learn how to delegate the workload effectively, develop team members through delegation, and develop a delegation plan for their staff.
Day 4Coaching and Problem Solving
After defining coaching, course participants will learn how to apply a set of coaching guidelines through a series of role-plays of the techniques, focusing on how to improve performance. Later they will be presented with a set of practical skills and a systematic model for PSDM.
Day 5Managing Conflict and Stress at Work
Course participants will learn how apply the different conflict management styles and manage stress constructively in their teams by applying a sequence of steps. The course will close with tips on how participants can develop themselves and assess their own leadership capabilities, challenges, and potential growth areas.
This course is aimed at new leaders and supervisors, or those preparing for management, where the focus is on the ‘need to know’ skills for these positions. It is recommended that people attend this course before attending the International Management Skills course.
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