  • Class and Course

    Petrel Geophysical Interpretation

    The Petrel Geophysical Interpretation course is designed to provide a detailed hands-on learning experience on the fundamental workflows inherent to the geophysics domain and their application in Petrel: 

    • Seismic data loading and visualization
    • Data optimization and mis-tie analysis
    • Seismic Well Tie process: data preparation, sonic log calibration, wavelet generation, synthetic seismogram generation and  Reflection Coefficient (RC) modeling 
    • Seismic attributes and techniques for specific geological environments: Channel, Faulted and Salt environments
    • Faults & horizons interpretation
    • Introduction to domain conversion. 

    Day 1: Modules 1, 2 & 3
    • Project setup and data loading  
    • Data optimization and mis-tie analysis 
    • Seismic data visualization 
    • Seismic intersections and data manipulation

    During Day 1, the participants will first be introduced to the process for setting up a new seismic interpretation project and loading seismic data accurately. Then, after reviewing the tools used to quality check the data, they will learn how to visualize and optimize the data imported and system performance. 

    Day 2: Modules 3, 4, 5 & 6
    • Seismic well tie preparation
    • Condition input data for Seismic well tie 
    • Sonic calibration 
    • Wavelet generation 
    • Synthetic seismogram generation
    • Tools for interpretation
    • Attributes and Techniques for specific geological environments

    Seismic-to-well tie is key at any stage of the development of a field. It is an essential step of the seismic interpretation workflow. In addition to bridging the gap between the time and depth domains, it also plays a key role in the wavelet extraction process involved in seismic inversion for reservoir characterization workflows.

    Day 2 will begin with the theory, tools and methods for performing the sonic calibration process in Petrel. The participants will apply the procedures for checkshots data loading and quality control, well logs preparation for the seismic well tie workflow and time-depth relationships generation. Then, the participants will learn about generating synthetic seismograms and wavelets in Petrel. They will also review and get familiar with the tools and functionalities to start and perform seismic interpretation in optimal condition.

    Finally, typical and advanced seismic attributes and techniques available in Petrel and specifically adapted to three (3) different geological environments will be covered: channel, faulted, and salt environments. 

    Day 3: Modules 7, 8 & 9
    • Fault interpretation
    • Horizon interpretation and QC
    • Mapping and depth conversion

    This final session will focus on the techniques, functionalities, tools and procedures for interpreting horizons and faults in Petrel. The participants will also learn about mapping the horizons interpreted, basic velocity modeling and domain conversion in Petrel.

    Exploration and Development Geophysicists, Geologists and Geoscientists working with Seismic data.

    • Petrel user interface 
    • Project setup and data preparation 
    • Data optimization and mis-tie analysis 
    • Seismic data visualization 
    • Seismic intersections and data manipulation 
    • Checkshot data import, quality control, and conditioning 
    • Sonic calibration 
    • Synthetic seismogram generation 
    • Wavelet generation 
    • Seismic attributes and techniques for specific geological environments 
    • Fault interpretation 
    • Horizon interpretation 
    • Mapping and depth conversion

    Getting Started with Petrel or familiarity with Petrel Interface and core functions.

    General knowledge of petroleum geophysics and geology as well as elementary software skills are recommended.

    Instructor : Sylwia Wasilewska


    Stavanger, Norway
    October 16-18, 2024
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    • Registration for this class closes on October 06.
    • If registration has closed, use the Contact us form to enquire about this class.

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