  • Class and Course

    Rock Typing and the Reservoir Characterisation

    Rock Typing is a method of classifying facies according to their similarities of porosity and permeabilities whilst honouring the nature of their depositional processes and diagenetic fabric. An ideal rock type can be integrated into a static geological model and ultimately be used in reservoir simulation and predicting fluid flows. Obviously, with such an important step in the reservoir characterisation chain it is necessary to understand the different rock typing methods and which one would be ideal for either a clastic or carbonate depositional environment. This course aims to define nomenclature and describe the different rock typing methods.

    Day 1

    The Reservoir from Overview of Geological Framework - Different types of Plays and  Facies Models

      • Understand the principles of a facies models
      • Look at present day and out crops analogues
      • Define clastic and carbonate rock classification and structure
      • Identify the different characteristic of facies models, ranging from fluvial, deltaic to pinnacle reef
    Day 2

    Basic (Conventional) Core Analysis – Facies, Porosity, Permeability, MCIP

      • Define reservoir characterization and the key petrophysical parameters
      • Define porosity and permeability and how it is measured in core
      • Explore the relationship between facies and porosity and permeability
      • Understand thin sections, core and MCIP data and its application
      • Utilization of facies derived from core and mud logs
    Day 3

    Introduction to borehole images and their application to clastic and Carbonate reservoirs

      • Discuss the different types of borehole images
      • Understanding the principles of interpretation
      • Combining petrophysical data with images
      • Learn how to Interpret the output from the images
    Day 4

    Rock Typing Clastic and carbonate rocks

      • Learn how to integrate different logs such as NMR, ECS, Sonic and Borehole Images and validate with core.
      • Understand the difference between facies, rock types, flow units, flow capacity and storage capacity
      • Discuss the difference between Lorenz plots, Winland-35, Flow zone indicators
      • What is saturation height modelling and how does it fit in with rock typing
    Day 5

    Reservoir characterisation case studies 

      • Case studies from and predominantly oolitic formation, Middle East
      • Case study from a fracture carbonate, Middle east
      • Case study of a Pinnacle reef Malaysia
      • Case Study from a turbidite play, Egypt
      • Case study from a fluvial -deltaic system, Malaysia

    Petrophysics, Geologists and reservoir engineers with some oil and gas experience.

    • Carbonate facies and depositional environment
    • Clastic facies and depositional environment
    • Rock typing nomenclature and different methodologies

    A proficient knowledge in Geology, petrophysics or reservoir engineering with a basic knowledge of formation evaluation preferable.

    Bangkok, Thailand
    June 23-27, 2025
    • Registration for this class closes on June 09.
    • If registration has closed, use the Contact us form to enquire about this class.

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