  • Class and Course

    Waterflood Management

    This course will cover waterflooding and the distribution of immiscible fluids in a reservoir.  During this course, participants will also learn about the process of immiscible displacement in a reservoir along with the waterflood pattern options and its effects on the selection and orientation of flood performance.  Other concepts that will be covered include the prediction of waterflood performance by the application of classical waterflood predictions.  Analytical techniques and linear fractional flow theory will be discussed.  Participants will also be able to see a simulation of waterflooding.

    Day 1

    Introduction to Waterflooding 

    • General waterflooding
    • Effects of drive mechanisms

    Day one will focus on presenting the participants to waterflooding and helping them gain a general understanding of the subject.  Effects of drive mechanisms on waterflooding will also be covered on this day.

    Day 2

    Performance and Processes of Waterflooding 

    • Rock properties and waterflooding
    • Drainage process
    • Capillary pressure
    • Production performance

    On this day participants will learn about rock properties and what effect they can have on waterflooding.  They will also learn about the drainage process and capillary pressure.  Production performance in the understanding of reservoir and well behavior by studying produced fluid ratios (WOR, GOR, GLR) will also be covered.


    Day 3

    Flow Theory and Analysis Methods 

    • Displacement processes and linear fractional flow theory
    • Analytical Methods
    • Analysis of waterflood pattern mobility ratio
    • Pattern configurations
    • Waterflood performance efficiencies and predictions

    Day three of this course will introduce participants to displacement processes and the linear fractional flow theory.  Analytical methods such as Buckley-Leverett frontal advance model and Weldge prediction method will be covered.  Analysis of the waterflood pattern mobility ratio and pattern configuration will also be discussed.  The class will end with participants learning about the waterflood performance efficiencies and predictions.

    Day 4

    Analytical and Prediction Methods

    • Analytical methods
    • Prediction methods

    Day four will continue the discussion on analytical and prediction methods.  Stiles, Craig-Geffen-Morse, and Dykstra-Parsons are a few methods that will be covered on this day.


    Day 5

    Simulations and Field Examples 

    • Simulation of waterflooding and practical guidelines for reservoir simulators
    • Simulation of waterflooding using small and large scale models for calibration
    • Waterflooding field examples

    The last day of this course will include simulations of two types of waterflooding, reservoir simulator and small/large scale models for calibration.  The course will end with several waterflooding field examples. 

    Engineers being asked to evaluate the economics, production potential, and waterflood design for reservoirs that will be waterflooded or are potential waterflood candidates.


    Stavanger, Norway
    September 01-05, 2025
    • Registration for this class closes on August 18.
    • If registration has closed, use the Contact us form to enquire about this class.

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