  • Class and Course

    1D Mechanical Earth Model and Wellbore Stability - (Remote Instructor-Led Series)

    The Mechanical Earth Model and Wellbore Stability course is a RILS (remote instructor led training) delivered in real time. The course will be delivered in 4 hour segments over a 3 day period and is delivered using the WebEx platform

    This course is designed to introduce geomechanics workflows that are used to build wellbore-centric Mechanical Earth Models (1D MEM). The course will combine virtual lectures with short software demonstrations. The theoretical foundation to understand wellbore geomechanics is introduced by lectures on the state of stress in the earth, pore pressure, rock mechanics properties and their measurements, as well as the application of a 1D MEM to wellbore stability analysis.

    The course will be delivered in 3 virtual sessions of 4 hours each. The first session introduces the fundamentals of well-centric petroleum geomechanics and begins to build a mechanical earth model by discussing overburden stress and pore pressure. The second session then discusses how to model rock mechanical proeprties and horizontal stress to finalize the mechanical earth model The third session then puts it all together in a wellbore stability analysis that also shows the calibration of a 1D mechanical earth model with observed wellbore instability.

    At the end of the course attendees will be able to:

    1. Understand the basic workflow to build and calibrate 1D Mechanical Earth models
    2. Understand the data requirements for 1D Geomechanics studies
    3. Understand the use of the Mechanical Earth Model in geomechanical studies
    Day 1

    Fundamentals of well-centric petroleum geomechanics, Overburden and pore pressure estimation  (4 hours)

    • Introduction to rock mechanics fundamentals: Stress vs. strain, concept of principal stresses, rock mechanics properties (elasticity, plasticity, yield, failure),
    • Theory and estimation of overburden stress
    • Origins of pore pressure, methods for measurement, methods for estimation (Eaton’s approach, Bower’s equation)
    Day 2

    Horizontal Stress, Wellbore stability and the Mechanical Earth Model (4 hours)  

    • Rock mechanical properties estimation from log data and calibration with measurements
    • Horizontal stress orientation and horizontal stress magnitudes and their estimation in the 1D MEM
    Day 3

    Wellbore stability prediction and calibration of 1DMEM (4 hours)

    • Wellbore stability, state of stress in the wellbore, modes of failure and rock deformation in the wellbore, Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, calculation of wellbore stability and effect of well azimuth and inclination
    • 1D MEM calibration through post-drill analysis of wellbore stability

    Geologists, geophysicists, drilling engineers, production engineers, completion engineers, reservoir engineers, exploration supervisors and managers concerned with well-centric geomechanics modeling and wellbore stability.

    Each student will need the fooling to attend:

    • Computer
    • USB Headset
    • Video Capabilities (720HD)
    • Access to internet
    • MS Office

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