  • Class and Course

    Advanced Integrated Reservoir Analysis

    The goal is for participants to develop subsurface skills for integrated analysis of rocks, pore and fluids and to solve problems associated with identifying and exploiting reserves.

    Experience gained will allow participants to apply tools for analysis of the underlying uncertainty and assumptions used in many reservoir analysis techniques. A subsurface integration model presents a thought process for solving reservoir problems, from petrophysical rock typing through log analysis. Various quick-scan and quick-look techniques are presented, and participants gain experience with these methods by completing applied exercises.

    Reservoir issues such as drive mechanisms, recovery factor and scoping simulation models are demonstrated. Experience gained will allow participants to identify lithologic zones and fluid types from log data. Physics of the measurements along with practical theory will allow the student to follow simple procedures for the rapid and accurate interpretation of log measurements. Correlation to core and concepts of petrophysical rock type and advanced flow units will allow upscaling of log data to reservoir simulation applications.

    Advanced interpretation concepts will be discussed which will provide the student with the tools to understand the limitations of data sets along with measurement requirements for effective reservoir development.

    Day 1
    • The integration problem-solving model is demonstrated via case histories
    • The goal is for participants to identify the skills needed to produce an integrated solution
    Day 2
    • Determining petrophysical rock types and advanced flow units are illustrated case studies
    • The presentation includes routine core analysis, core-handling issues, including interactive exercises, e.g., determining net mean stress and video presentations
    Day 3
    • Participants complete exercises to calculate grain density, bulk volume, grain volume, pore volume and porosity
    • The principles of saturation distribution and capillary pressure from laboratory data to reservoir analysis are presented using spreadsheet exercises
    • Techniques are presented for uni-modal and bi-modal pore geometries 
    Day 4
    • A pragmatic approach is used to eliminate the mystery of two-phase flow, relative permeability, and wettability
    • Exercises show how reservoir engineers apply these principles
    • Petrophysical rock types are determined using 3 or 4 common methods and results are compared 
    Day 5
    • Participants complete a core-log well analysis determining pore throat size, petrophsyical rock types advanced flow units and completing a saturation height model using spreadsheets
    • An exploitation exercise is used to identify if there is additional potential in a mature field
    Day 6
    • Quick-look interpretation with practical logging-physics concepts, including resistivity, SP, Gamma Ray theory and calculation of Rw, is introduced
    • Applied exercises show quick-look interpretation for hydrocarbon identification
    Day 7
    • Saturation calculations are covered using Rwa and overlay techniques as exercises
    • Calculation of Sw uses basic Archie and sensitivity analysis of inputs
    • Tool corrections for Resistivity, Rxo measurements are explained
    Day 8
    • Porosity measurements (sonic, neutron and density), determining lithology, and various cross-plot methods are presented
    • Techniques using bulk volume water and Pickett plots are combined with core measurements to determine capillary pressure and electrical rock properties
    Day 9
    • Shaley sand analysis using PhiN-PhiD crossplots illustrates gas corrections along with quick-look carbonate analysis techniques
    Day 10
    • Advanced log analysis, including NMR theory, basic dipmeter and borehole image logs, VSP and MDT theory and applications

    Geologists, geophysicists, reservoir engineers, production engineers and petrophysicists with 3 to 12 years experience. This class is ideal for asset teams.

    This course can be customized to fit client specfications.

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