  • Class and Course

    Advanced Nodal Analysis for Production Engineers

    Based on data coming from a material balance or the own production of a well, it is possible to predict the future production behavior of a well as a function of time and decide the proper selection of design variables such as tubing sizes for example, or make the decision to install or not any particular artificial lift system. Unlike a conventional nodal analysis, all decisions from a sensitivity analysis is carried out and planned in the future considering the reservoir pressure changes that happens with time.

    Day 1


    Diffusivity Equation

    Solutions of the Diffusivity Equation: Transient; Semi Steady State and Steady State Conditions

    Day 2

    Production System Analysis

    Well Performance Equations for Oil Wells

    Well Performance Equations for Gas Wells

    Predicting Future IPR´s for Oil Wells

    Well Completion Effects: Skin Effect S and Flow Efficiency FE

    Day 3

    Multiphase Flow Analysis

    Sensitivity Analysis Using Conventional Nodal Technique

    Forecast of the Well Performance

    Decline Curve Analysis

    Day 4

    Types of Decline Curve Analysis: Conventional Decline Curves and Advanced Decline Curves

    Forecast of Well Production

    Day 5

    Design the Suitable Production System According to Production Engineers: Predicting Production Strategies as a Function of Time and Forecast for Analysis of Multiwell Production Systems

    Production and reservoir engineers, engineers with basic knowledge in this area, among other, involved in the monitoring and performance of oil and gas wells.


    Participants should be familiar with basic Production Engineering, have some field experience in Production and basic knowledge of artificial lift systems. Basic understanding of well completions and operations.

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