  • Class and Course

    Advanced Petroleum Geomechanics - (Remote Instructor-Led Series)

    This course builds on the NExT Fundamentals of Petroleum Geomechanics course and starts to investigate geomechanics beyond simple elastic, isotropic behaviour. After a brief review of fundamental concepts, earth stresses and the Mechanical Earth Model, the course looks at the impact of reversible and non-reversible geomechanical behaviour on drilling, stimulation, sand production and injection looking specifically at thermal, depletion and compaction effects. The course then investigates anisotropy, its nature and effect on geomechanics, and its significance and influence on well construction and field development. The course also covers salt, introducing the mechanics of salt, short term and long term behaviour, as well as the impact on drilling both sub-salt and pre-salt.

    At the end of this course participants will recognize the differences and significance of reversible and non-reversible in petroleum applications of geomechanics both in the wellbore and reservoir. They will under-stand the importance of anisotropic behaviour in rocks, know the methods used to measure anisotropy and the effect on well construction and field development. They will also be know about the short and long term mechanical behaviour of salt, the effect of salt on the local stress state and what needs to be considered when developing fields either created by or accessed through salt.

    This course is delivered over 8 days with 4 hours of instruction per day using remote delivery methods.

    Geologists, geophysicists, geomechanics engineers, drilling engineers, production engineers, completion engineers, reservoir engineers, exploration supervisors and managers concerned with the geomechanics challenges of field development.

    a) An understanding of the importance of reversible and non reversible behaviour of rocks for well construction and field development.

    b) The significance of anisotropic behaviour of rocks when considering mechanical properties and stress

    c) The challenges of salt to drilling and field development and how to deal with them

    Completion of Fundamentals of Petroleum Geomechanics or a strong understanding of Geomechanics fundamentals is recommended

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