  • Class and Course

    Advanced Petrophysical Reservoir Characterization - Core-Log Integration - RILS - V43020

    This version of Advanced Petrophysics Reservoir Characterization - Core/Log Integration  is highly interactive it can be customized to fit the need of clients. We recommend maintaining the key points, however, the delivery schedule will be adjusted to each client. The general version of this course can be delivered as a public offering.

    As a remote instructor delivered course it consist of 12 to 14 modules that are delivered in 4 hour sessions with a 1 hour optional group coaching session (on selected days). Alternatively, this course can be delivered in a traditional class room in 5 days.

    The key objectives for this advanced course are to demonstrate Applied Reservoir Petrophysics and Characterization and Core/Log integration from a pore scale through dynamic modeling. Exploration opportunities, such as identifying by-passed pay and finding new resources in existing fields can lead to new production.

    This course consists of reviewing special core analysis and the basics of log analysis, introducing 4 common methods to determine petrophysical rock types, discusses pore geometry, permeability predictions, capillary pressure analysis, saturation height models. Special core analysis methods such as electrical rock properties, capillary pressure, high pressure mercury injection, wettability and a brief introduction to relative permeability are included. This course shows how advanced flow units can be used in a full field 3-D model.

    Case studies and various SPE/SPWLA papers will be presented that show clastic, carbonate and complex reservoir systems.

    Day 1
    • APRC - C/L Module 1 - Introduction to Integration
      • Pre-Course Technical Assessment
      • Integration of rocks, pores and fluids
      • Introduction to core analysis and capillary pressure (drainage & imibibition cycles)
    • APRC - C/L Module 2  - Review of Log Analysis
      • Volume of Shale, PHIT, Sw and Fluid Identifcation
      • Three Line Analysis 
    • APRC - C/L Module 2 - Workshop 
    • End of Day - Quiz
    Day 2
    • APRC - C/L Module 3 - Introduction to pore throat radius and capillary pressure
      • Introduction to core analysis and capillary pressure (drainage & imibibition cycles)
      • Fluid contacts and FWL
    • APRC - C/L Module 4 - Pore Throat Radius and Capillary Pressure Workshops
      • Technical Paper Review - Capillary Pressure
      • Intro to Petrophysical Rock Types - Sandstone Casestudy (SPE Paper 2005)
    • End of Day Quiz

    Optional 1 hour group coaching Session 

    Day 3
    • APRC  - C/L Module 5
      • Pore Geometry - High pressure mercury injection capillary pressure data & analysis 
      • Carbonate Casestudy (SPWLA Paper 2015
      • Winland, FZI, RQI and K-PHI Ratio PRT Methods 
    • APRC - C/L Module 6
      • Winland, FZI, RQI and K-PHI Ratio PRT Methods 
      • Single Well PRT Analysis - Carbonate Case Study (SPWLA 2015
      • Applied PRT Workshops Part 1
    • Review PRT Technical Paper (Verification - SPE 2018)
    • End of Day Quiz

    Optional 1 hour group coaching Session 

    Day 4
    • APRC - C/L Module 7 - Petrophysical Rock Types (PRT)
      • FZI/RQI PRT Methods
      • Applied Workshop Part 1 - Deterministic PRT Analysis Part 2  (concept workshop)
      • 2018 SPE Petrophysical Rock Type Verification Process Paper Review 
    • APRC - C/L Module 8  - Selecting the number of PRTs and Verification Process
      • GeoArabia 2014 Paper Review
      • Verifcation of PRT will be introduced
      • Applied Workshops Part 2 - CDF and Propbabillity Anallysis
    • End of Day Quiz

    Optional 1 hour group coaching session  

    Day 5
    • APRC - C/L Module 9 - Saturation Height Modeling - Concepts and Methods
      • Review key SHM Technical Paper 
    • APRC - C/L Module 10 - Saturation Height Workshops
      • Workshop 1 - Height Above Free Water
      • Workshop 2 - Basic 3 PRT SHM analysis to determine the FWL and fluid contacts 
    • End of Day Quiz

    Subsurface professionals that are working on creating static or dynamic reservoir models.

    Learning objectives for Applied Reservoir Petrophysics and Characterization include Core-Log Integration: 1. A review of why petrophysical rock types are important and why "water saturation is not an accident!", and a brief review of capillary pressure and electrical rock properties 2. Various log based Sw relationships are presented and evaluated 3. A permeability prediction work-flow is introduced in an advanced workshop 4. A capillary saturation prediction SHM work-flow will be introduced. 4. Petrophysical Rock Types and verfication techniques are intrpduced.  The importance of using SCAL Data will be discussed (Drainage and imibibion relative permeabilitiies curves), Electrical Rock Properties and Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure will be covered. The final day includes a core-log intgeration workshop participants determine petrophysical rock types, saturation prediction with SHM, facies and flow units. The focus of the final workshop shows why it is important for petrophysics to go beyound log analysis. A key learning is sucessful dynamic simulation modelling is based on cross-discipline integration.

    A basic understanding or log analysis, routine core analysis and an awarness level of special core analysis.

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