  • Class and Course

    Advances in Coiled Tubing

    This 5-day course discusses advances in Coiled Tubing applications and latest developments addressed initially for the shale market in the United States, but slowly being adopted in conventional Coiled Tubing market. The course revisits typical Coiled Tubing concerns (pressure control and high pressure applications, CT logging and perforating, pipe management, among others), fundamental for beginners, while providing value even to the most experienced participants in the class. Preferentially, the course is to be deilivered near a SLB Coiled Tubing field base to enable a visit for visualization of equipment. A first day quizz allows the instructor to steer the approach for the audience and a last day quiz evaluates progress.

    Day 1


    1st day Quiz

    Revision of CT applications

    CT equipment Pressure Control Equipment

    Day 2

    Visit to a Coiled Tubing base

    Coiled Tubing data aquisition system

    Coiled Tubing manufacturing

    Coiled Tubing string and pipe management

    Day 3

    Logging with Coiled Tubing

    Coiled Tubing Job Design

    Coiled Tubing Perforating

    Contingency Planning and Emergency Reponses

    High Pressure Coiled Tubing

    Day 4

    Coiled Tubing Case Studies

    Coiled Tubing New Technologies

    Coiled Tubing Downhole Tools

    Coiled Tubing Completions

    Day 5

    "BlueCoil" - CT new technology

    Last day Quiz

    Drilling and Completion Engineers, Well Intervention Engineers and Supervisors, Production Engineers and Supervisors and other personnel related to well intervention operations. This course is particularly suited to personnel changing job to Well Interventions and requiring a quick update of Coiled Tubing technologies.

    Experience in Well Completions and Well Interventions.

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