  • Class and Course

    Applied Production Engineering Cross Training (APEX) Program

    This course, designed specifically for Well Services Fieild Engineers, has been developed to transition simulation engineers into DESC engineers in a unique, interactive 4-week program.  At the end of this program, participants should have a better understanding of production engineering from the perspective of the client.  There is a heavy focus on nodal analysis and the use of PIPESIM™.  Participants will also learn how to interpret well tests should gain the ability to double-check or develop solutions to a variety of production engineering issues.


    Graded exams (end of weeks 1 & 3) and a graded presentation at the end of week 2 will assess participants' knowledge and skills

    A red-line project with 2 datasets will be completed by participants to apply skills and illustrate learning

    A final graded presentation at the end of Week #4 will be delivered by each participant


    Week 1

    Day 1 - Introduction.  Geology (Introduction to petroleum geology; structural features and earth materials; clastic and carbonate depositional environments; hydrocarbon source rocks and petroleum systems; introduction to geophysics)

    Day 2 & 3 - Formation Evaluation (Fundamentals of open hole and cased hole logging; conventional open hole logging tools; cased hole logging; advance logging tools & techniques; reservoir parameters from open hole logs.

    Day 4 & Morning of Day 5 - Rock Properties (Fundamental rock properties; wettability, capillary pressure, relative permeability, mechanical rock properties)

    Afternoon of Day 5 - Workshop #1 / Graded Exam (Calculation of shale volume, porosity and water saturation from log data; application of cutoffs to estimate net pay; calculation of mechanical rock properties.

    Week 2

    Day 1 - Fluid Properties (PVT properties of pure substances; five petroleum fluids; dry gas properties; black oil properties; laboratory tests)

    Day 2 and Morning of Day 3 -  Fundamental Reservoir Engineering Concepts (Volumetric reserves estimates; reservoir drive mechanisms; material balance; inflow performance of oil and gas wells; damage and stimulation; decline curve analysis)

    Afternoon of Day 3, Day 4 and Morning of Day 5 - Well Testing (Radial flow and radius of investigation; semilog analysis; wellbore storage; type curve analysis and diagnostic plots; well tests in fractured wells; well test exercises)

    Afternoon of Day 5 - Workshop 2 / Graded Presentation (Calculation of fluid properties; analysis of bottom hole pressure buildup test data from several wells; generation of production forecast

    Week 3

    Day 1 - Multiphase Flow in Wells (Flow regimes; flow velocities; liquid holdup; production logging; multiphase IPRs)

    Day 2 and Morning of Day 3 - Nodal Analysis (Evaluation of wells; estimation of reservoir parameters from flow rate data; PIPESIM™ exercises)

    Afternoon of Day 3 - Well Completions (Modeling completions in PIPESIM™)

    Morning of Day 4 - Artificial Lift Methods (Modeling gas lift and ESPs in PIPESIM™, artificial lift simulator)

    Afternoon of Day 4 - Surface Facilities (Main equipment and typical installations; modeling surface networks in PIPESIM™)

    Morning of Day 5 - Petroleum Economics (Principle yardsticks, creating a project cash flow)

    Afternoon of Day 5 - Workshop #3 / Graded Exam (Using Nodal analysis to estimate well parameters, estimation of post-stimulation well performance; sizing of downhole production equipment)

    Week 4

    Day 1, Day 2 and Morning of Day 3 - Horizontal Wells (Productivity and performance; modeling horizontal wells with PIPESIM™; production logging and evaluation; sand control and fracturing)

    Afternoon of Day 3 and Morning of Day 4 - Unconventional Reservoirs (Naturally fractured; tight gas; shale gas; coalbed methane; stimulation of unconventional reservoirs)

    Afternoon of Day 4 and Morning of Day 5 - Workshop #4 (Calculation of horizontal well performance; creating cash flow streams for various completion scenarios [un-stimulated well; fracture stimulated well; horizontal well]; calculation of economic yardsticks for various completion scenarios; work on final presentations)

    Afternoon of Day 5 - Final Presentation (Graded)

    Well Services Stimulation Engineers with 5+ years of experience.

    Basic understanding of the oil and gas industry.  Familiarity with PIPESIM™.

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