  • Class and Course

    Applied Reservoir Geomechanics - aspects of 3D and 4D geomechanics modeling

    This course covers key concepts of petroleum related geomechanics with a focus on geomechanical processes occurring during reservoir production, depletion and injection. The course addresses technical challenges encountered during exploration and production of complex hydrocarbon reservoirs. The course will explain the physical process of rock deformation and failure and its implication for exploration and development. It will introduce the key workflows of reservoir geomechanics as these relate to deep water exploration and production, HPHT reservoirs, tight reservoirs, fractured reservoirs, and gas storage. Building 3D geomechanics models and examining 4D reservoir geomechanics processes using geomechanics simulators will be explained using case studies from recent projects.

    Day 1
    • Current status or reservoir geomechanics, typical reservoir geomechanics challenges and the way ahead
    • Fundamentals of Reservoir Geomechanics – the mechanics of depletions, stress transfer, compaction and subsidence, thermal effects
    • Rock mechanical laboratory tests for reservoir geomechanics modeling
    Day 2
    • Determination of ins-situ stress, pore pressure prediction, stress modeling
    • Geomechanical property modeling – from 1D log data to 3D property distribution
    • 1D Mechanical Earth Model building
    • 3D and 4D reservoir geomechanics simulation – typical workflows, technology and interpretation
    Day 3
    • Basic reservoir geomechanics applications – compaction and subsidence, wellbore stability for field development planning
    • Geomechanical aspects of naturally fractured reservoirs – geomechanical natural fracture prediction and reservoir geomechanics of naturally fractured reservoirs
    • Geomechanics of HPHT reservoirs
    • Geomechanics for underground gas storage
    • Utilization of numerical simulators for near-wellbore modeling

    Geologists, geophysicists, production engineers, completion engineers, reservoir engineers, and asset managers concerned with field development planning, production management and life-of-field applications.

    Key Learning Elements:

    • Fundamental understanding of reservoir geomechanics processes
    • Data requirements for reservoir geomechanics studies
    • Application of reservoir goemechanics to asset management and field development planning

    At the end of the course attendees will be able to:

    • Understand reservoir geomechanics processes occurring during production or injection of fluids in the underground
    • Understand the modeling workflow for 3D and 4D reservoir geomechanics studies
    • Select and design data acquisition for reservoir geomechanical studies

    Familiarity with fundamental petroleum geomechanics concepts such as wellbore geomechanics modeling, wellbore stability calculation and 1D mechanical earth models.

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