  • Class and Course

    Avocet Administration

    The Avocet Administration course shows how the Avocet software platform is configured by an administrator. The course provides a basic understanding of Avocet architectural components, with emphasis on the logical data model and the physical database scheme. You will also learn about the Avocet layers, core features administration, such as units, localization, security, maintenance scripts, data loading, built-in reporting, and others.

    This course explains the administration tasks required to install and configure Avocet software components, including Avocet Web Service, Avocet Web Front-End, Avocet Application Server.

    People responsible for installation, deployment, and configuration Avocet and its extensions, i.e.

    • Production Engineers
    • Production Operations Engineers
    • Production Data Management Engineers
    • Digital Production Operations Engineers

    o Architecture overview

    o Avocet Installation

    o Layers and Configuration files

    o Core Features Administration

    o Managing data

    o Avocet Web Service setup

    o Avocet Web Front-End configuration

    o Avocet extension and its elements

    Attendees should have at least six months of Avocet experience and be familiar and comfortable with Windows environment and Microsoft Office. XML and SQL basic knowledge is recommended. Knowledge of oil and gas production operation is useful, but not required.

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