  • Class and Course

    Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training (T-BOSIET)

    Course Objective
    • The aims of the T - BOSIET are to introduce delegates to the specific safety issues and regimes relevant to offshore installations, and to equip them with the basic emergency response knowledge and skills for communicating to and from offshore installations by helicopter in tropical regions.
    The following points shall be discussed in the course:
    • Identify the generic hazards which are specific to offshore oil and gas installations, potential risks associated with those hazards, and how controls are put in place to eliminate or reduce risks.
    • Identify key offshore-related safety regulations and explain the basic safety management concepts.
    • Demonstrate, in a simulated environment, that they can use the safety equipment, and follow procedures in preparing for, and during helicopter emergencies – with particular focus on escaping from a helicopter following ditching.
    • Demonstrate sea survival and first aid techniques.
    • Demonstrate that they can effectively use basic firefighting equipment, and practice self-rescue techniques in low visibility situations, including smoke-filled areas.

    Day 1

    Module 1 – Safety Induction

    Element 1.1 Industry and Installation Overview

    Industry and Installation Overview Training staff to explain:

    1.1.1 Typical offshore oil and gas activities.

    1.1.2 Formation, finding, and exploitation of oil and gas; how hydrocarbons are formed, found, and produced.

    1.1.3 Types of offshore installations, specialist vessels, and their main functions and features; to include:

    (a) Drilling – jack-up, semi-sub, drillship

    (b) Production - oil and gas, gas, fixed, floating

    (c) Construction – heavy lift, pipe laying

    (d) Accommodation - flotel

    (e) Specialist vessels – standby, support, diving support.

    1.1.4 The offshore environment, (to include remote nature, harsh conditions, the proximity of process/working/living environments)

    Element 1.2 Offshore Hazards Element

    1.2.1 Definitions of hazard, risk, and control measures

    1.2.2 Accident statistics; comparison with other industries

    1.2.3 Environmental impact and statistics

    1.2.4 Offshore hazards and comparative risk levels including:

     a) Pressure hazards, to include: oil/gas reservoir, process/drilling pipework, water/gas injection, gas, and compression.

    b) Motion hazards include drilling tubular, exposed machinery parts, moving heavy equipment, and manual handling.

    c) Chemical hazards include: drilling chemicals, reservoir fluids/gases (including H2S), process chemicals and solvents

    d) Electrical hazards, including maintenance of electrical equipment, faulty electrical equipment.

    e) Gravity hazards, include: working under suspended loads, working at heights and slips, and trips.

    f) Noise hazards, include working in process areas, drilling areas, helicopter areas, and noise exposure levels.

    g) Hazardous atmospheres, to include an explanation of how areas are designated hazardous zones.

    h) Confined space hazards, including the following characteristics: limited openings for entry or exits, confined spaces when working inside containers or vessels, and unfavorable natural ventilation.

    1.3 Managing Offshore Safety Element

    1.3.1 The multiple barriers model and systems in place to prevent hazards from contacting targets including:

    a) Safe Systems of Work (SSOW) 

    b) Personal Responsibility for Safety (PRfS)

    c) Safety observation programs.

    1.4 Controlling Offshore Hazards Element

    1.4.1 The hierarchy of control and how control measures are implemented offshore

    1.4.2 Determining risks and implementing control measures to include:

    a)     Reservoir/pipework isolation

    b)     Blowout preventers (BOP)

    c)     Training on handling tubular

    d)     Guarding of machinery

    e)     MSDS/ chemical and dust protection

    f)      Electrical isolation

    g)     Fall protection

    1.4.3 The consequences of failure to control the risks.

    1.5 Regulating Offshore Safety Element

    1.5.1 How offshore safety is regulated; to include:

    (a) Applicable legislation

    (b) Legislative requirements

    (c) Legal responsibilities

    (d) Role of industry organizations

    (e) Documenting the safety management systems.

    1.5.2 Hierarchy of legislation.

    1.5.3 Directives.

    1.5.4 Safety Case regulations – identification of major hazards, risks, and control measures, how safety is audited, acceptance by the health and safety regulator, verification of safety-critical systems, and performance standards.

    1.5.5 Duties of employer and employees and concept of ALARP.

    1.5.6 How goals are set for prevention/protection and emergency response, emergency response planning, and performance standards.

    1.5.7 Role of the Health and Safety Authorities – scope, activities, and powers of the Health and Safety Inspector.

    1.5.8 Use of relevant ISO standards, including ISO 14001.

    1.5.9 Industry’s expectations of personal safety behavior, to include the industry’s expected standards for safety and typical behavioral safety tools.

    1.6 Living and Working Offshore

    1.6.1 Fitness requirements and medical standards.

    1.6.2 The procedure for taking prescribed medicines offshore.

    1.6.3 Alcohol and substance abuse policies.

    1.6.4 Offshore routine requirements and welfare, to include:

    a) Administration arrangements and requirements on arrival on an offshore installation.

    b) Items permitted/not permitted offshore.

    c) Installation induction

    d) Safety constituencies

    e) Role of safety representatives and safety committees

    f)  Responsibilities of employers

    g) Employee line of reporting

    h) Cabin/laundry/bond

    i)  Recreation /smoking

    j)  Getting on with others.

    1.6.5 Working routines to include:

    a) Procedures

    b) Work authorization

    c) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    d) Maintaining a safe workplace

    e) Waste disposal

    f)  The right to stop unsafe work.

    1.6.7 Communicating safety, including lines of communication

    1.6.8 What to do when not satisfied with the response to safety communication, to include contacting immediate supervisor, OIM, Safety Representative, health and safety regulator.

    1.6.9 Injuries and illness, to include:

    Reporting incidents, accidents, near misses, and illnesses

    a) The role of the offshore medic

    b) First aid arrangements offshore

    c) Investigation of incidents and accidents

    d) Preventing a recurrence 

    e) Support available to relatives in the event of illness/injury/major incident/evacuation.

    Module 2 – Helicopter Safety and Escape

    2.1 Helicopter Travel Training staff to explain:

    2.1.1 Pre-flight briefings

     2.1.2 The procedures and requirements for pre-boarding, safe boarding, in-flight and safe disembarkation including:

    a) Arrival time

    b) Correct dress

    c) Documentation

    d) Prohibited articles

    e) Check-in procedures

    f)  Safe boarding

    g) Pre-flight video

    2.2 Helicopter Emergencies

    2.2.1 Informing the crew of suspected or observed helicopter emergencies, to include:

    a) Discovering a fire

    b) Smoke

    c) Fuel leaks

    d) Abnormal conditions which the crew may not be aware of.

    2.2.2 In-flight procedures to include:

    a) Don hood – ensure survival suit is zipped up

    b) Check seat belt is tight and lifejacket is secure

    c) Following crew instructions.

    2.2.3 Aircraft basic flotation characteristics.

    2.2.4 Aircraft escape routes for ditching and emergency landing.

    2.2.5 Independent action.

    2.2.6 Survival techniques following ditching and emergency landing either on land or in water

    Element 2.3 Use of Compressed Air Breathing System (CA-EBS)

    Element 2.4 Practical Helicopter Escape Techniques

    Element 2.5 Additional CA-EBS Training (In-Water)

    2.2.7 Donning an *aviation transit suit (of a type typically used in the region/area of operations) compressed air breathing system (CA-EBS) and an aviation lifejacket.

    2.2.8 Actions in preparation for a helicopter ditching and emergency landing, including brace positions for the range of seating locations and harness types.

    2.2.9 Helicopter evacuation, to include:

    (a) Locate

    (b) Release (on-command)

    (c) Evacuating through nominated exits and push-out windows: on-water, underwater, and capsize.

    (d) Impact attenuating seats, to include purpose and operation of seat, evacuation technique

    2.2.10 Emergency equipment on board the helicopter, including stowage location of aviation liferaft, operation, and entry.

    2.2.11 Initial actions on boarding the aviation liferaft i.e. how to use mooring lines, deploying the sea anchor, raising the canopy, and raft maintenance.

    2.2.12 Use of aviation liferaft equipment and secondary actions on boarding the aviation liferaft include e.g. posting lookouts, activating the radio beacons and first aid.

    Day 2

    ELEMENT 2.3 Use of Compressed Air Emergency Breathing System (CA-EBS)

    2.3.1 The principles of compressed air emergency breathing systems (CA-EBS)

    2.3.2 The principles of other typical emergency breathing systems (EBS) used in the oil and gas industry (i.e. re-breather systems)

    2.3.3 The components and elements of the CA-EBS, including:

    • Hose (if fitted)
    • Mouthpiece
    • Cylinder
    • Demand Valve
    • Pressure indicator
    • On/Off ratchet/knob (if fitted)
    • On/Off Status Indicator (if fitted)
    • Purge button
    • Nose clip (if fitted)
    • Charging Port

    2.3.4 The operation of the compressed air EBS equipment in conjunction with other survival equipment:

    • Life jacket
    • Survival suit (including the importance of correctly sized suit)
    • Personal Locator Beacon

    (2.3.5 The hazards associated with compressed air EBS:

    a)     Medical hazards associated with lung over-expansion injuries

    b)     Gasp reflex associated with cold water entry shock

    c)     Coughing

    d)     Dislodged mouthpiece (accidental or intentional)

    e)     The accidental or deliberate loss of air including purging and hazards of incorrect purging

    f)      Running out of air Training staff to explain and demonstrate and delegates to practice:

    2.3.6 The pre-donning checks on the life jacket and compressed air EBS, including:

    a)     Pressure indicator reading

    b)     Appropriate on/off status indicator (if fitted)

    c)     Ratchet knob on/off (if fitted) 2.3.7 How to don the life jacket complete with compressed air EBS:

    d)     Ensuring life jacket waist belt is not twisted (if fitted)

    e)     Fastening of life jacket

    a)     Adjustment of a waist belt to ensure correct fit

    b)     Engagement of crotch strap ensuring a correct fit and roll away and securing of excess webbing (if fitted)

    c)     Ensure CA-EBS mouthpiece is correctly fitted

    d)     Ensure CA-EBS hose is correctly fitted (where appropriate)

     2.3.8 Deployment of CA-EBS, including:

     a)     One-handed deployment of the mouthpiece and nose clip in accordance with manufacturers’ guidelines

    b)     How to achieve a good seal around the mouthpiece

    c)     How to purge water from the mouthpiece

    d)     How to recover a dislodged mouthpiece

    e)     Use of demand valve

    ELEMENT 2.4 Practical helicopter escape techniques Following explanations and demonstrations by training staff: delegates to practice and demonstrate:

     2.4.1 Donning of an aviation transit suit, an aviation lifejacket, compressed air emergency breathing system (CA-EBS) equipment and conducting integrity checks of the CA-EBS equipment, including buddy checks

     2.4.2 Deploying (left and right hand) and breathing from CA-EBS equipment at atmospheric pressure in dry conditions

     2.4.3 Actions to take in preparing for a helicopter emergency landing

     2.4.4 Following instruction from the crew, location of CA-EBS equipment and evacuation from a helicopter using a nominated exit, following a controlled emergency descent to a dry landing (conducted in helicopter simulator at poolside on dry land)

     2.4.5 Actions to be taken in preparing for an in-water ditching including the location of exit, deploying and breathing from CA-EBS equipment at atmospheric pressure in dry conditions (conducted in a helicopter simulator at poolside on dry land)

    2.4.6 Dry evacuation, using a nominated exit, to an aviation life raft from a helicopter ditched on water (and, on instructions from the aircrew, operation of a push-out window), assisting others where possible and carrying out initial actions on boarding the aviation life raft, to include: mooring lines, deploying the sea anchor, raising the canopy and raft maintenance*

     2.4.7 Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged

    helicopter (without operation of a push-out window)*

    2.4.8 Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (with the operation of a push-out window)*

     2.4.9 Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a capsized helicopter (without operation of a push-out window)*

     2.4.10 Inflation of an aviation lifejacket, deployment of a spray visor and boarding of an aviation life raft from the water*

    ELEMENT 2.5 Additional CA-EBS Training (In-Water)

    2.5.1 Deploying CA-EBS (above the water surface) and breathing from the CA-EBS in a pool, face down in shallow water (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

    2.5.2 Deploying CA-EBS (below the water surface, face down in a pool in shallow water) and clearing the mouthpiece by exhaling under the water surface (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

    2.5.3 Deploying CA-EBS (below the water surface, face down in a pool in shallow water, using the opposite hand to the previous exercise) and clearing with purge button under the water surface (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

    2.5.4 Deploying CA-EBS (above the water surface), in a pool and breathing from CA-EBS underwater in a vertical position (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

    2.5.5 Deploying CA-EBS (underwater), in a pool and breathing from CA-EBS underwater in a vertical position (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest)

    2.5.6 Deploying CA-EBS (underwater), in a pool, breathing from CA-EBS underwater, and moving along a horizontal rail for a period of no less than 30 seconds, including a change in direction (at a maximum depth of 0.7m, measured at the chest).

    Day 3

    MODULE 3 Sea Survival and First Aid

    ELEMENT 3.1 Evacuation Training staff to explain:

    3.1.1 Typical types of offshore *installation emergencies

    3.1.2 Station bills

    3.1.3 Various means of escape

    3.1.4 Actions to be taken prior to, during, and after selective evacuation or escape from an offshore installation.

    3.1.5 Installation emergency knowledge required of all personnel onboard, to include:

    a)     Typical layout of installations (escape routes, temporary refuge, muster locations, abandonment locations, access routes including helideck, bridge landing points, and tertiary escape points)

    b)     Installation alarms and communications (locations, use and appropriate response)

    c)     The possibility of devolved command within the installation’s organizational structure and appropriate procedures and actions should this occur

    d)     The need for and use of personal protective equipment (PPE) e.g. gloves, torch, smoke hoods, survival/abandonment suits, and donning a life jacket etc.

    3.1.6 The SAR organization, means of rescue from the sea and survival craft and actions to take during rescue

    3.1.7 Rescue by helicopter – winchman duties, the hi-line, double lift and single lift (as a minimum: the single lift to be demonstrated practically),

    3.1.8 The importance of appropriate personal clothing

    3.1.9 Methods of rescue i.e. standby vessel, FRC, MRRD, net, basket and ladder (this may be achieved by the use of video or slides)

    3.1.10 The various types of survival craft (TEMPSC) – freefall/single/twin

    3.1.11 The function and capabilities of TEMPSC (e.g. air supply, fire protection, buoyancy)

    3.1.12 The procedure for mustering, boarding, and strapping in, including the safety precautions during lowering and release, emergency equipment and supplies

    3.1.13 The various methods of tertiary escape (this may be achieved by the use of video or slides) to include:

    a)     Knotted rope

    b)     Scramble net

    c)     Davit-launched liferaft

    d)     Ladders

    e)     Person descending escape devices

    3.1.14 Mustering, donning a life jacket, boarding and strapping in as a TEMPSC passenger (the craft than to be lowered into water and released).

    3.1.15 Water entry (stepping off poolside, maximum 1m height) and the precautions when entering the water

    3.1.16 The fitting of a helicopter rescue device, subsequent lifting and (simulated) entry into a rescue helicopter including:

    a)     Single strop, double strop, or basket (minimum of one method to be demonstrated practically)

    b)     Body posture

    c)     Aircraft entry

    3.1.17 In-water survival techniques, to include: individual (swimming, HELP, wave slap protection) and group survival techniques (towing, chain, huddle, and circle), followed by rescue by one of the recognized methods available offshore.

    3.1.18 Boarding a marine liferaft from the water and carrying out initial actions, to include mooring lines, deploying the sea anchor, raft maintenance, and secondary actions, to include posting lookouts, activating the radio beacons and first aid equipment.

    ELEMENT 3.2 Emergency First Aid

    3.2.1 First aid arrangements

    3.2.2 Types of injuries, to include:

    a)     Bleeding/burns (immediate action)

    b)     Chemical contact

    c)     Exposure to the elements (heat and cold)

    3.2.3 Prioritising actions.

    3.2.4 Immediate first aid actions suitable for use prior to the arrival of the medic/ first aider, to include:

    a)     Assessing the situation – do not put yourself (or others) in danger.

    b)     Making the area safe.

    c)     Assess all casualties and attend to any unconscious casualties.

    d)     Send for help as soon as possible.

    3.2.5 Raising the alarm

    3.2.6 Assessing the situation

    3.2.7 Checking the area is safe

    3.2.8 Checking airways, breathing, and industry-recognized first aid practice*

    3.2.9 Putting the casualty in the recovery position

    3.2.10 Raising the alarm

    3.2.11 Assessing the situation

    3.2.12 Checking area is safe

    3.2.13 Industry recognized first-aid practice*

    * Industry recognized first-aid practice – this may vary depending on first aid practice guidelines adopted in different countries/regions.

    MODULE 4 Firefighting and Self Rescue

    ELEMENT 4.1 Firefighting Offshore

    4.1.1 The common causes and nature of fires onboard offshore oil and gas installations with an emphasis on electrical, domestic, and welding related fires.

    4.1.2 The “triangle of combustion” and how fire can spread, to include conduction, convection, and radiation.

    4.1.3 Extinguishing media; to include: water, dry powder, foam and CO2.

    4.1.4 The purpose of fixed fire and gas detection and firefighting systems.

    4.1.5 Actions and precautions to take in areas where these systems are deployed in respect of those having an effect on a person’s health and safety i.e. deluge, halon (and halon replacement extinguishant), CO2, and the urgent need to evacuate the area if the extinguishant has been released.

    4.1.6 Action on discovering a fire (installation emergency procedures) with emphasis on:

    a)     Raising the alarm (give examples of methods for raising the alarm)

    b)     Typical locations of portable handheld firefighting equipment (types to be used during practical session)

    c)     Evacuation to designated area.

    4.1.7 The operation of handheld portable fire extinguishers, small-bore fire hose reels, fire blankets, and their use against actual Class A and Class B fires as appropriate. Each delegate to practice and demonstrate:

    4.1.8 Raising the alarm on the discovery of a fire

    4.1.9 The correct operation of handheld portable fire extinguishers in extinguishing Class A or Class B fires.

    ELEMENT 4.2 Self-Rescue

    ELEMENT 4.2 Self-Rescue Training staff to explain and demonstrate:

    4.2.1 Selection of smoke hood types.

    4.2.2 Donning and use of smoke hoods.

    4.2.3 Self-rescue techniques with and without respiratory protection from areas that are being subjected to smoke and heat.

    4.2.4 Small group escape techniques with respiratory protection from an area which is being subjected to smoke and heat.

    Delegates to practice and demonstrate:

    4.2.5 Donning and use of smoke hood.

    4.2.6 Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood or partial blindfold from areas where delegate visibility is reduced.

    4.2.7 **Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood or partial blindfold from areas where delegate visibility is completely obscured.

    4.2.8 **Small group escape techniques with a smoke hood or partial blindfold from areas where delegate visibility is completely obscured concluding with a muster exercise

    **This exercise may be achieved by conducting exercises in darkness or by using “blacked out” smoke hoods or partial blindfolds. Note: smoke hoods to be used in cosmetic smoke only.

    This program is designed to meet the initial onshore safety and emergency training requirements for personnel new to the offshore oil and gas industry in a tropical environment.

    • Module 1: Safety Induction
    • Module 2: Helicopter Safety and Escape
    • Module 3: Sea Survival and First Aid
    • Module 4: Firefighting and Self Rescue

    Training and/or assessment activities contained within this Standard may include physically demanding and potentially stressful elements. All personnel who participate in such activities must be physically and mentally capable of participating fully. Therefore, OPITO-approved training centers are required, as a minimum, to ensure that prior to participating in practical exercises the delegate:

    • Possesses a valid, current offshore medical certificate, OR
    • Possesses an employing company approved medical certificate equivalent to an offshore medical certificate,
    • Undergoes medical screening by completing an appropriate medical screening form provided by the OPITO-approved Centre (a list of medical conditions which must be included in a medical screening form is available from OPITO)
    • This training program is designed to meet the initial offshore safety and emergency response training requirements for personnel new (or returning) to the offshore oil and gas industry who will be supplied with a compressed air emergency breathing system (CA-EBS) during offshore helicopter travel.

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