  • Class and Course

    CO2 Static Containment Evaluation (CCS/CCUS Academy)

    This course covers the key concept, the best practices, and the hands-on competence in caprock integrity and fault seal evaluation for CCS/CCUS projects from a geological perspective. The course comprises two main technical topics: cap rack integrity and fault seal evaluation. This course aims to introduce the workflow and best practices for conducting caprock integrity and fault seal evaluation and storage capacity evaluation for CCS/CCUS projects. The course uses a real CCUS project dataset, and a major portion of the course will be hands-on Petrel exercises that cover the key technical steps of interpretation, model building, evaluation, and analysis.

    At the end of this course, the attendees should develop the competence to evaluate caprock integrity and fault seal for actual CCS/CCUS projects.

    Note: This course is part of the SLB-CCS/CCUS Academy which has been created to fast track the development of the technical understanding and hands-on skills of petrotechnical engineers, processing engineers, facility engineers, and other technical engineers involve in CCS/CCUS projects.

    Session 1 – Introduction and Overview

    • Introduction of the course
    • Overview of the Illinois Basin geology
    • Summary of the main elements and associated risks in caprocks and fault seals
    • Overview of the caprocks geometry interpretation, fracture and fault interpretation, and fault seal analysis workflow in Petrel
    • Pre-assessment

    Session 2 – Caprocks Geometry interpretation

    • The key Uniqueness's of CCS/CCUS subsurface characterization in caprock integrity and fault seal evaluation 
    • Caprock effectiveness: thickness and lithology analysis
    • Practical exercises in Petrel – analyze caprock lithology from well logs, make depth maps and isochore/isopach maps

    Session 3 – Caprocks 3D Property Modeling

    • Overview of the geological modeling workflow (structural model and property model) under the context of CCS
    • Practical exercises on building a structural model and property models porosity in Petrel

    Session 4 – Caprocks integrity and Sealing Capacity

    • Caprock capillary sealing capacity
    • Caprocks integrity: faults and fractures interpretation
    • Practical exercises in Petrel - Building a fracture model from Discrete Fracture Network (DFN)

    Session 5 – Fault Seal Analysis (I)

    • Introduction to fault seal and trap analysis
    • Fault throw analysis, juxtaposition mapping
    • Practical exercises in Petrel – Construct 1D/3D fault juxtaposition analysis, fault throw/displacement analysis

    Session 6 – Fault Seal Analysis (II)

    • Fault clay content prediction – shale gouge ratio and clay smear factor along faults
    • Sealing capacity calculation – fault threshold pressure, fluid column height analysis
    • Fault compartmentalization – find the leaking points on fault seals
    • Practical exercises in Petrel – calculate shale gouge ratio, clay smear potential, and estimate fault sealing capacity

    Session 7 – Fault Seal Analysis (III)

    • Fault transmissibility and transmissibility multiplier calculation
    • Practical exercises in Petrel – calculate fault permeability, fault thickness, fault transmissibility, and transmissibility multiplier

    Session 8 – Integrated Evaluation (I)

    • CO2 storage capacity assessment methodologies
    • Pore volume estimation and storage capacity estimation
    • Uncertainty in storage capacity estimation
    • Practical exercises in Petrel – storage capacity estimation and capacity uncertainty analysis

    Session 9 – Integrated Evaluation (II)

    • Integrated risk analysis using play chance mapping
    • Practical exercises in Petrel

    Session 10 – Group Presentation and Summary

    • Group presentation
    • Main takeaways (Technical and operational perspectives)
    • Assessment
    • Q&A

    Professionals who are interested to gain additional knowledge and hands -on skills in CCS/CCUS Technology. The topics are going to be extremely beneficial for Geoscientists, Geologists, and Reservoir Engineers
     involve in the design, planning, execution ,and monitoring operations of CCS/CCUS Projects.

    • Introduction and Overview
    • Caprocks geometry interpretation
    • Caprocks 3D property modeling
    • Caprocks integrity and sealing capacity
    • Fault seal analysis (I)
    • Fault seal analysis (II)
    • Fault seal analysis (III)
    • Integrated evaluation (I)
    • Integrated evaluation (II)
    • Group Presentation and Summary

    Professionals who have been involved in CCS/CCUS Technology. Particularly in CO2 Containment Evaluation.

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