  • Class and Course

    Data Room Management and Rapid Asset Evaluation

    This course aims to provide E&P professionals and stakeholders in oil and gas investment sector with an understanding of how to get the most out of data rooms in order to put a reasonable evaluation in front of the decision makers in the shortest timeframe possible. Learning objectives are at knowledge and application levels and participants will take away workflows to streamline their data room processes, to ensure essential data are gathered, and to quickly evaluate opportunities while avoiding some of the pitfalls that exist in all assessments of oil and gas opportunities.

    Day 1

    Overview of the data rooms: a means of providing and acquiring data

    Why data rooms must to be managed by the seller and the buyer.

    Setting up a data room: physical or virtual or both?

    The data room workflow: what the seller wants vs. what the buyer needs.

    The Teaser: getting potential buyers interested by sending them a flyer.

    The 8 key provisions in a Confidentiality Agreement (CA).

    The Information Memorandum (IM): get it right and attract investors, get it wrong and …

    Choosing the material that is put into a data room.

    Brokers and Fees.


    Day 2

    What a company needs from its data room team, why, and when it is needed.

    What needs to be done before the data room

    Picking the appropriate team to go into a data room.

    What needs to be done during the data room.

    What not to do in a data room.

    Role of the data room team leader.

    Hierarchy of data requirements – essential, nice-to-have, background.

    Priorities of each discipline in the data room – drillers, geoscientists, petrophysicists, engineers and economists.

    What needs to be done after the data room


    Day 3

    Being diligent about due diligence (DD).

    The DD traffic light system.

    Calculating better estimates of hydrocarbon-in-place.

    Recovery factors.

    Complexity due to rocks and fluids – fractured reservoirs, gas condensate.

    Using analogues when data is sparse – but when is an analogue analogous?

    Creating production profiles - oil vs. gas, shelf vs. deepwater.

    Well requirements for different scenarios.

    Reality check via decline curves, water cut forecasts and bubble plots.

    Quick economic evaluation using US$ per BOE.

    Introducing risk and uncertainty into our evaluation workflow.

    Quick expected monetary value (EMV) analysis.

    Rapid screening techniques for more focus and better decisions.


    Exploration and Production Executives and Managers, Geoscientists, Reservoir Engineers, Investors, Auditors, Bankers and Government Officials involved in the technical and economic valuation of international oil and gas exploration and production opportunities.

    Knowledge of petroleum exploration and production, reserves and evaluation.

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