  • Class and Course

    DELFI - Data Ecosystem

    The DELFI - Data Ecosystem course provides the fundamentals of Data Ecosystem as exposed by the Developer Portal solution in DELFI. The Developer Portal provides a catalog of RESTful API's provided by SLB to create, read, and update data in the DELFI Ecosystem. The data is from a variety of domains.  

    Day 1

    Data Ecosystem Architecture & Openness, overview

    Developer Portal, Overview

    DE Admin App, Overview

    RESTful API & OpenAPI Specification

                    Lab: End to End RESTful API development using OpenAPI Specification

    Data Ecosystem, Core Services

                    Compliance Services

                    Entitlement Services

                    Unit & CRS Catalogs and Services

                    Storage Services

                    Search Services

                    Lab 1: DE core services API

                    Lab 2: consume data in DELFI Data Analytics

    Data Discovery using DE Admin App

    Day 2

    Creating DE client libraries

                    Lab: create client libraries and write codes for DE core services APIs

    Domain API (interpretation, Platform Metadata)

    Ingestion Services API workflow

    Ingestion of tabular data in csv format

                    Simple Data set descriptor

                    Lab 1: ingest field data in csv format

    Day 3

    Ingestion of tabular data in csv format (Continued)

                    Dataset descriptor with unit/CRS & references

                    Lab 2: ingest well data in csv format

    Ingestion of JSON data

                    Lab: create client library for search and storage services to query well data and create a JSON file to ingest using API

    Ingestion of GeoJSON data

                    Lab 1 & 2: create client library for storage services to ingest field boundaries and pipelines

                    Lab 3: consume pipeline data

    Day 4

    Ingestion of unstructured documents

    Lab 1: ingest documents using Developer Portal

                    Lab 2: create client library for ingestion services and ingest unstructured documents

    Ingestion of LAS files

                    Lab 1: ingest las file using Developer Portal

                    Lab 2: use ingestion services client library to ingest LAS files

                    Lab 3: consume log data

    DE Admin App, configuration and ingestion

                    configure DE App with new source, entity and ingestion templates

                    Lab: Configure DE Admin App

                    ingestion of tabular, unstructured documents and logs

    Day 5

    Enrichment workflow

                    define merge criteria and priorities for creating well known entities based on multiple sources

                    Lab 1: ingestion and enrichment ofwell data from source 1

                    Lab 2: ingestion of data from source 2 and enrichment of both data sources

    Introduction to advanced topics

                    Notification services

                    Domain Data Management Service

    Programmers familiar with E&P domain data.

    We will cover the following:

    • Overview of DELFI Ecosystem
    • What is Openness?
    • Overview of the Developer Portal
    • Overview of Data Ecosystem Admin App 
    • Data ecosystem core services
    • Data ecosystem ingestion and enrichment services
    • Creating client libraries
    • Knowlege of Python
    • Understanding of RESTful API use.  

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