  • Class and Course

    Design of 3D Land Surveys using OMNI 3D -5 Day

    This five-day hands-on training class provides students with the foundations needed to use OMNI 3D in a full range of quality control and design tasks for land seismic acquisition planning from field QC to advanced design analyses. This course teaches how to create surveys for the different acquisition configurations, perform fold analyses, insert infill lines, and use ray tracing and OMNI target analysis to select optimal acquisition parameters.

    Day 1: Land Survey Design,

    • Program overview
    • Survey design concepts
    • Create new surveys
    • Introduction to survey design wizards (3D Design Wizard, Empty Survey, VSP, 2D Straight Line)
    • Add Lines wizard – staggered, zigzag, zig only
    • Other station addition tools
    • Other design tools – pattern surveys
    • 3D Design examples and exercises

    Day 2: Land survey design continued

    • 2D Design Wizard
    • 2D Line digitizer
    • Obstacles and detours
    • Affect surveys using images, shapefiles, DXF
    • Optimization using boundaries
    • Using different boundaries for different areas or different boundaries for sources and receivers
    • Editing station locations – editing toolbar
    • VSP design wizards and tools
    • 2D design examples and exercises

    Day 3: Land survey design continued 

    • Import/Export Field Data
    • SPS, custom definitions, reproject surveys
    • Create surveys using surface boundaries
    • Using fold boundary to create surveys.
    • Station style dialog and settings
    • Station tools – measure tool, query values,
    • Defaults
    • Station editing toolbar and options
    • Station selection
    • Empty Survey + Shoot by Numbers

    Imagery data,

    • Tiffs
    • Import geo-referenced JPEG images and image settings

              o   Google Earth, WMS, Bing Images, Lidar

    Day 4: Scripts and script editing tools, survey analysis, QC, status files, comparison

    • More station layout tools
    • Script shooting modes and examples
    • Script editing tools
    • Infills
    • Split patches
    • Reference survey to maintain fold coverage
    • Bin grid wizard
    • Data analysis – fold and points vs fold only
    • Offset distribution plots
    • Azimuth distribution plots
    • Offset vector Tiles (OVTs)
    • Status files
    • Compare surveys
    • Overly QC
    • QC charts
    • Reporting (Text summaries, summary reports, plot view)


    Grids and Utilities, Comparisons

    • Grids
    • Utilities
    • Pre plot/post plot
    • Status files
    • Plot montage and reporting
    • Project management
    • Elevations
    • Apply elevation, grids, shapefiles to surveys


    2D and Target model building and analysis

    • 2D Ray model setup and model building options
    • 2D Ray model synthetics2
    • 2D analysis
    • Target model setup
    • Target model analysis

    Day 5: Model building and model analysis

    • 3D model building
    • Model properties, differences, things to consider

    o   Target model

    o   3D Ray Model

    o   3D Grid Model

    • Grids – QC and horizon editing
    • Velocity models
    • Utilities – decimating horizons
    • 3D model building

    o   Model analyses – parameter selection

    o   Interactive analysis tools

    o   Survey analysis QC

    • Query values, overlay, color maps, review rays                   
    • Synthetic SEGY volumes
    • Target Illumination (PP and PS)
    • 2D elastic wave equation models
    • Footprint analysis
    • Depth analysis

    This class is suitable for geoscientists wanting to learn how to design seismic surveys, analyze and QC designs using OMNI 3D software.

    o   Main concepts of 3D land seismic survey design

    o   Different land acquisition configurations commonly used and design tools used in OMNI 3D to create them

    o   Station editing tools and QC

    o   Overview of all model building and model analysis

    o   2D and 3D earth models to perform ray tracing analysis, illumination and create synthetic seismic data in OMNI 3D

    o   Use of the OMNI 3D Workshop tools to analyze and select the essential land acquisition parameters: bin size, maximum and minimum offset, migration aperture, shot interval, and fold.

    A basic understanding of seismic acquisition concepts. No prior experience with OMNI 3D is required.

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