  • Class and Course

    Electric Submersible Pumps - Application Engineering - Simulator

    The Electric Submersible Pump System (ESP) is considered an effective and economical means of lifting large volume of fluids from great depths under a variety of well conditions. Over the years, the ESP companies, in conjunction with the major oil companies, have gained considerable experience in producing high viscosity fluids, gassy wells, high temperature wells, etc. With this experience and improved technology, wells that were once considered non-feasible for submersibles are now being pumped economically.

    This course is designed to provide a solid grasp of ESP and its applications. It covers detailed description of the components of ESPs making emphasis on the specific functions of each one. The standard application is described as well as some non-standard applications. The use of the affinity laws for centrifugal pumps is illustrated with practical examples. Downhole gas separators and gas handlers are discussed in a dedicated section of the course.

    Course Objectives: Provide theoretical and practical knowledge of the advantages and limitations of the Electric Submersible Pumps in order to develop the required skills to design, optimize and diagnose wells producing with Electric Submersible Pumps.

    The Oil Well Laboratory, used in this course, is a physical simulator designed to enhance the learning process. The apparatus is an "oil" well physical simulator of a small scale. It uses water and air in place of oil and gas, allowing to perform and demonstrate most of the normal operations in a real well."

    Day 1
    • Introduction
    • Review of Artificial Lift Systems and the Standard ESP Applications
    • Reservoir Dynamics
    Day 2
    • General Description of Pumps and Motors
    • General Description of Cables
    • Protectors and Monitoring
    Day 3
    • Pump Selection and Dimensioning and Physical Limits
    • Variable Speed Drive
    Day 4
    • Gas Applications and Nodal Analysis
    • Continuation of Nodal Analysis and Viscous Application
    Day 5
    • Surface Equipment and Alternative Deployment
    • Non Standard Applications

    Production Engineers, technologists, people who are involved in Production Optimization. Specificaly people who want to gain more knowledge about ESP.

    The participants should be familiar with basic Production Engineering, have some field experience in Production, and have some Electric Submersible Pumps experience.

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