  • Class and Course

    First Aid, CPR, and AED Train The Trainer

    • Emergencies can occur by any means, whether it is the workplace or at home.
    • Medical emergencies oftentimes are drastic, require immediate and safe intervention, and quick access to emergency services.
    • All individuals in any scenario require first aid skills to effectively understand the medical emergency at hand by identifying it effectively, providing concise and adequate information needed for the emergency services, and assessing their knowledge to perform the specific first aid techniques needed for that scenario to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, and promoting recovery.
    • Workers must also establish the extent of their knowledge from this course, as a medical intervention without interruption is critical to save injured personnel.
    • Learners shall also be stressed to follow hygiene and health procedures during and after treatment.
    Trainees shall also be assessed on the training process throughout the implementation of
    • Train The Trainer modules which correlate with the training criteria.
    • To become an effective trainer, there are a variety of important prospects that are essential to make sure that they can relay information to their trainees in an effective and creative manner.
    • It is important that trainers are taught and can demonstrate presentation and communication skills to be able to effectively relay any type of information they wish to their trainees. Therefore, this course is designed to benefit and help participants to develop, organize, and deliver effective training and to know how to assess the success of the training.
    • Participants learn how to apply different training methods for engaging participants, how to provide training materials in a structured, clearly written manner, how to deliver an interactive presentation and how to apply the knowledge based on educational research to achieve prescribed training goals.
    The following points shall be discussed in the course:
    • Identify the main hazards of the workplace which can lead to an emergency occurring.
    • Physiological causes of emergencies and their effects on the human body.
    • Distinguish the difference between different hazards and how they cause different emergencies.
    • Understand the importance of hygiene and health to know how to protect yourself from any disease.
    • Identify the differences between the primary and secondary survey.
    • Identify the adequate response for the primary and secondary survey.
    • Demonstrate and know how to perform resuscitation techniques such as CAB, CPR, and AED.
    • Demonstrate and know how to assist someone who is actively choking and how to help yourself.
    • Understand the differences between external and internal bleeding.
    • Know how to stop external bleeding by using different methods depending on the severity of the blood loss.
    • Identify internal bleeding and how to stop it.
    • Identify what shock is, the causes of shock, and how to stop its progression. 
    • Distinguish between heat exhaustion and heat stroke and how to prevent its progression.
    • Identify diabetic emergencies and how to intervene.
    • Practically perform several types of splints.
    • Identify Neck and Spinal Cord injuries and how to prevent its progression.
    • How to lift the person away from a dangerous area if they have neck and spinal cord injuries.
    • Identify how to treat wounds and decrease their severity. 
    • Identify how to treat burns and decrease their severity.
    • Design a training course targeted for adult learners
    • Manage the learner and the classroom environment
    • Improve communication and presentation skills
    • Apply adult learning theories
    • Prepare an effective and clear course structure
    • Prepare participant-centered learning material and activities
    • Deliver the training by using training activities for different learning needs
    • Engage with different types of learners
    • Present material in a clear and engaging manner
    • Developing specific and appropriate on-the-job and off-the-job training
    • Create clearly written instructions and assessment criteria to assess the learning
    • Address challenging participants, questions, and behavior
    • Receive and provide effective feedback
    • Create evaluation forms and develop techniques to ensure application after the course completion

    Day 1

    Session 1 - Course Introduction  
    Session 2 – The Purpose of Saving Lives

    • Definition of First Aid
    • Understanding the importance of First Aid
    • The 3P’s of First Aid (Preserve Life, Prevent the Condition from Worsening, and Promote Recovery).
    • Contents of the First Aid Kit in the workplace.
    • Understand the importance of knowing where first aid stations are in the workplace.
    • How the first aider should prioritize their own safety before performing any first aid techniques.
    • The importance of hygiene and sanitation in the scene.
    •  How to remove waste safely without risk of infection or contamination of the scene

     Session 3 – Practical Session

    •  Show the workers the contents of the first aid kit while demonstrating the correct usage of Personal Protective Equipment, PPE, to prevent infection and promote sanitation of the Scene.

    Session 4- Basic Anatomy and Physiology

    • A brief explanation of organ systems.
    • Emphasis on the organ systems could cause medical emergencies if they fail.
    • Summarization of the Cardiovascular System.
    • Summarization of the Respiratory System.
    • Summarization of correlation between both the Cardiovascular and Respiratory System.
    • The signs of life
    • What is a pulse?
    • Where to check for a pulse?
    • Defining Hypoperfusion, or shock, and how it can occur.
    • Summarization of the Nervous System.
    • Summarization of the Skeletal System.
    Module 5 – Principles of Learning
    5.0 Introduction
    • Indication of the key principles of learning and the importance of creating a tangible lesson plan to increase the efficiency of delivery to the session and facilitating learning.
    5.1  Module Objectives
    • Key Components of Effective Learning
    • Factors that promote and inhibit effective learning
    • Evaluate the impact of principles of learning for practical teaching

    5.1  What is learning and how do we learn?

    • Discuss with trainees the different learning methods they have experienced over their practical life and academic life.

    5.1.1       Acquiring relevant knowledge (Learning Method)

    5.1.2       Thinking for understanding (Learning Method)

    5.1.3       Doing (Learning Method)

    5.2  Factors affecting learners and the learning process

    • Discuss with trainees different scenarios in their academic and/or practical life in which they have felt that they were able and unable to retain knowledge.
    • Discuss the following points:
    • Motivation
    • The relationships you have had with teachers and peers
    • Access to resources and time constraints
    • Mood and situational factors
    • Prior learning in a given area 
    • How you were taught how relevant you perceive the learning to be.
    5.2.1       Principle 1: Utilize and stimulate the senses
    • Discuss with trainees what grabs their attention more in learning
    • Discuss how the combination of the five senses is effective
    5.2.2       Principle 2: Recognize the learning curve
    • Discuss the learning plateau
    5.2.3       Principle 3: Don’t abuse the attention span
    5.2.4       Principle 4: Encourage the effective use of memory
    • Understand how memory works
    • Understand how forgetting works
    • Implications for teaching and learning
    5.2.5       Principle 5: Try to motivate students in their learning
    5.2.6       Principle 6: Accommodate different learning styles

    • Discuss with the trainees on the importance of differentiating between visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning.
    • Discuss how trainers can combine between different learning methods to increase learner’s retention of knowledge
    5.2.7       Principle 7: Ensure effective feedback in the learning process
    • Priority in giving feedback sooner, rather than later
    • Incorporate the positive
    • Use feedback as a two-way process

    Module 6 – Lesson Planning and Preparation

    • Indicate the importance of planning your session to increase confidence in executing the training.

    6.1 Module Objectives

    • Produce a structured lesson plan for course criteria
    • Prepare classroom arrangements and teaching facilities

    6.2 Producing a structured lesson plan

    6.2 Learning Objectives

    • Lesson Content
    • Instructional Methods
    • Teaching and Learning Resources
    • Assessment of Learning
    • Discuss with and show learners a sample of a learning template
    • Discuss how detailed the plan should be
    6.2.1 Learning objectives
    • Performance Objectives and their effect on behavior, the condition of the learning content, the standard, and/or the efficiency of the learning criteria.
    • Structuring of objectives with examples
    • Skills development
    • Learning sequence
    • Influencing attitude

     6.2.2 Lesson content

    • Discuss with trainees the importance of tangible and comprehensive training content based on the subject manner.

    6.2.3 Instructional methods

    • Discuss and indicate the differences between theoretical and practical instruction methods.

    6.2.4 What teaching and learning resources will you need?

    • Training area and resource availability
    • Learning group

    6.2.5 Assessment Train the Trainer Training Fundamentals Contents

    6.3 Evaluation of the lesson

    Day 2

    Session 7 – Assessing the Scene

    The Importance of the 3P’s during any first aid response.

    • Behavior during an Emergency
    • The Primary Survey and the steps needed to inform the ambulance.
    • The difference between History, Symptoms, and Signs.
    • Medical emergencies to prioritize during the primary survey.
    • The difference between the primary and secondary survey.
    • The Secondary Survey and how to maintain the patient’s response
    • The recovery position.
    Session 6 – Practical Session
    • Two scenarios will be provided where the trainees will distinguish between an emergency in which the primary survey is required and another scenario in which the secondary survey is required.

    Session 8 – Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)

    • When should a first aider use CPR.
    • The steps to CPR by using C-A-B (Circulation, Compression, Airway, and Rescue Breaths)
    • How to correctly perform chest compressions
    • How to correctly open the airway
    • How to correctly preform rescue breath.
    • The importance of repeating the CPR Process in saving a person’s life.
    • Understanding the functions of the AED.
    • Precautions before using the AED.
    • How to correctly place the AED pads.
    • How to use it alongside CPR to save the person’s life

    Session 9 - Practical Session

    • Trainees will use a full-body mannequin to perform CPR and AED.

    Module 10: Instructional Methods

    10.0 Introduction

    • Trainees will understand the importance of executing the training content in effective and comprehensive ways for all learners.

    10.1 Module Objectives

    • Range of instructional methods
    • Instructional methods for the content which shall be taught
    • Instructional methods in the trainees’ teaching role.
    • 10.2 Core instructional methods
    • Lecturing and explaining
    • Attributes of good explanation
    • Demonstration
    • Pre-demonstration planning
    • Carrying out the demonstration
    • Learner practice and supervision
    10.3 Supporting instructional methods
    • Group Work (Cooperative Learning)
    • Questioning
    • Discussion
    • Case Studies
    • Role-Play

    10.3.1 Group work (cooperative learning)

    • How to conduct group exercises
    • Plan out exercises

    10.3.2 Questioning

    • Tactics in using questions
    • Responding to student answers

    10.3.3 Discussion

    • Rounds
    • Buzz groups, pairs, and triads
    • Brainstorming

    10.3.4 Case-studies

    10.3.5 Roleplay

    10.4 Deciding on methods

    • Will the method achieve the identified outcomes?
    • Will the method effectively facilitate the content you want and the types of learning required?
    • Will the method suits the nature of the learning group and the individuals who comprise it?
    • Will the method utilizes the resources?
    • Will the method fit into the style or range of teaching skills?
    • Are you comfortable and competent enough in using the method?
    • 10.5 The use of activities or learning tasks in promoting learning
    • Discuss different scenarios where trainees have seen innovative training methods

    10.6 Designing and using learning tasks

    • The task is clearly focused on identified learning objectives.
    • Success in the task meets or builds learning towards identified objectives.
    • The task is as authentic as possible and realistic for the learning group.
    • The task is clearly achievable in the time allocated.
    • Clear and sufficient guidance on the task is provided to learners.

    10.7 Individualised instruction

    10.8 Knowing the subject well

    • Discuss how to refresh your knowledge towards the subject manner and how to answer questions effectively.

    10.9 Playing the role of tutor

    10.10 Suggestions for administering individualized instruction

    • Practical Session: The Trainees shall be asked to produce a structured lesson plan for a class they intend to teach in the future. The duration of the session must be at least one hour.
    • The lesson plan should clearly show:
    • The learning outcomes/lesson objectives
    • Organization and development of content
    • Instructional methods to be used
    • Use of teaching/learning aids and activities
    • How learning is assessed

    Module 11: Teaching and Learning Resources (TLR)

    11.1 Module Objectives

    • Compare and contrast the range of teaching and learning resources
    • The appropriate TLRs specific to the content and venue
    • Use a range of TLRs to enhance your training and to facilitate your trainees’ understanding

    11.2 How do TLRs contribute to learning?

    • Discuss different TLRs which help to keep the session engaging and discuss how TLRs can be a focal point for learner response

    11.3 General points of consideration in using teaching and learning resources

    • Identify what you want to achieve from the TLR (e.g. emphasis, generate questions, show a process, key point summary, etc).
    • Do not overuse TLRs. Overuse will confuse rather than promote learning. Also, too much of one type will soon lose its ability to gain attention.
    • Check that they work in advance. This refers to TLRs that involve the use of technology, such as overhead projectors, slides, computers, multi-media, etc.
    • Be conscious of your own positioning and body movement when teaching and training.

    11.4.4 Videos

    • Discuss with trainees the purpose of videos in presentations
    11.5 Preparation of facilities and training aids
    11.5.1 Classroom/study area arrangements
    11.5.2 Audio-visual equipment in the classroom

    • Practical Scenario: Students shall discuss and emulate a classroom setting which shall be friendly towards trainees.
    • Discuss Group Study Layouts
    • Individualized Instruction Layout
    • Laboratory/Simulation Layout
    • Students shall discuss how sometimes TLRs can be distractions and decrease the focus of learners and learn to use them effectively.

    Day 3

    Session 12 – Choking

    • Definition of Choking
    • Define the differences between open and obstructed airways.
    • The warning signs of choking
    • The symptoms and signs of the progression of choking
    • The Heimlich Maneuver
    • The Self-Heimlich Maneuver

    Session 13 – Practical Session

    • Trainees will demonstrate the Heimlich Maneuver on others and on themselves.

    Session 14 – Bleeding

    • Scenarios in the workplace that can lead to excessive bleeding.
    • Identify the different types of external bleeding.
    • Understand the difference between internal and external bleeding.
    • The steps needed to prevent bleeding.
    • The usage and application of the torniquet.
    • How to prevent the progression of internal bleeding.
    • How to stop nosebleeds.

    Session 15 – Practical Scenario

    • The trainees will demonstrate the application of bandages to an injury site and how to effectively tie a torniquet and apply it in serious injuries.

    Session 16 – Shock

    • Definition of shock.
    • Identify the different types of shock.
    • How shock affects the entire body.
    • How a medical emergency can be worsened by shock.
    • How to treat shock.

    Session 17 – Burns

    • Different workplace scenarios that can lead to burns
    • The different types of burns
    • Classification of the severity of the burn from first-, second-, and third-degree burns. 
    • Treatment for first-, second-, and third-degree burns. 

    Module 17: Assessing Learner Performance

    17.1 Module Objectives

    • Identify the criteria for good assessment
    • Plan a scheme of assessment
    • Identify appropriate assessment methods for specific learning outcomes
    • Design a range of assessment items
    • Produce a marking scheme for open-response items
    • Identify common pitfalls in conducting assessment.

    17.2 The criteria for good assessment

    17.2.1 Validity

    17.2.2 Reliability

    17.3 Key terms used in the language of assessment

    17.3.1 Summative assessment

    17.3.2 Formative assessment

    17.3.3 Assessment scheme

    17.3.4 Assessment evidence

    17.3.5 Assessment methods

    17.3.6 Assessment items

    17.4 Planning a scheme of assessment

    17.4.1 Why assess?

    17.4.2 What to assess?

    17.4.3 How to assess?

    17.4.4 How to interpret the products of assessment?

    17.4.5 How to communicate assessment decisions to learners?

    17.5 General principles in test construction

    17.6 Types of assessment items

    17.6.1 Alternate response or true-false items

    17.6.2 Multiple choice items (MCQs)

    17.6.3 Matching items 5.6.4 Completion type items

    17.6.5 Essay type items

    17.6.6 Performance tests

    17.7 Preparing a marking scheme for assessments 

    17.8 Pitfalls in assessment

    17.8.1 The halo effect

    17.8.2 Contrast effect

    17.8.3 Assessing progress and effort rather than achievement

    17.8.4 Lack of clarity with the marking scheme and the standard required

    17.8.5 Discriminatory practices 

    Day 4

    Session 18 – Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

    • Define Heat Exhaustion
    • Identify the symptoms and signs of Heat Exhaustion
    • Treatment and prevention of progression of Heat Exhaustion
    • Define Heat Stroke
    • Identify the main differences in symptoms and signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke
    • Treatment of Heat Stroke

    Session 19 – Diabetic Emergencies

    • Identify the workplace scenarios which can lead to diabetic emergencies.
    • Identify the medical conditions which can lead to diabetic emergencies.
    • Differentiate between Hyperglycemia and Hypoglycemia.
    • Symptoms and Signs of Hyperglycemia and correlation with a medical history, if possible.
    • Treatment of Hyperglycemia
    • Symptoms and Signs of Hypoglycemia and correlation with a medical history, if possible.
    • Treatment of Hypoglycemia

    Session 20 – Practical Session

    • Trainees will be shown and asked to demonstrate different methods of slings applications to effectively to prevent degradation of fracture or dislocation cases.

    Session 21 – Neck and Spinal Cord Injuries

    • Identify the workplace scenarios which can lead to neck and spinal cord injuries.
    • How to effectively identify the places in which the paralysis may have spread.
    • The importance of not moving the patient unless necessary.
    • How to effectively prevent the spread of paralysis.

    Session 22 – Practical Session

    • Trainees will demonstrate adequate lifting techniques to move a neck and spinal cord injured patient from one place to another without increasing their risk of permanent paralysis.
    • Module 23: Course Development
    • Identify the processes involved in the development of a course
    • Enumerate the different phases involved in the course development process

    23.2 What do we mean by a course?

    • Who is the course for?
    • What are the aims and objectives?
    • What will be the content and structure of the course?
    • How will the course be delivered and managed?
    • What resources are needed to support the course?
    • How will learning be assessed?
    • How will the course be evaluated to gauge its effectiveness?
    23.3 Developing a course
    23.3.1 Phase 1: Preliminary study
    23.3.2 Phase 2: Job analysis
    23.3.3 Phase 3: Population analysis
    23.3.4 Phase 4: Design of curriculum
    23.3.5 Phase 5: Design of modules
    23.3.6 Phase 6: Production and development testing
    23.3.7 Phase 7: Validation and revision
    23.3.8 Phase 8: Implementation
    23.3.9 Phase 9: Evaluation

    • Assignment: Trainees will be asked to prepare a presentation for specific health and safety training topic of their choosing to present it on the last day for evaluation.

    • Workers that have previously taken Basic First Aid.
    • Workers that have previously taken Advanced First Aid
    • Supervisors and Managers who have a higher level of responsibilities in Emergency First Aid response.
    • Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors who shall instruct and teach employees.
    • Safety Officers and Safety Supervisors that have previously taken Train The Trainer.
    • Training Department Employees

    • Definition of First Aid
    • Importance of First Aid
    • Basic Bodily Functions and how, if interrupted, can lead to medical emergencies
    • The importance of surveying an emergency scene
    • Emergency Scenarios and adequate response for each injury

    • Basic First Aid
    • Advanced First Aid
    • Previous experience in coordinating medical response

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