  • Class and Course

    Fracturing Pressure Analysis (5 days)

    The course objective is to provide students with theoretical and practical expertise to acquire both the reservoir transmissibility and pressure required for fracturing production optimization, and the correct in-situ state of stress controlling frac placement. The course covers the integration of fundamentals of rock stresses, pressure diffusion, leak-off, poro-elasticity, closure analysis( GPlot), After Closure analysis (minifalloff method) applied to conventional fracturing models and their calibration using field data. Applicability to extremely tight reservoir (shale) and microfrac stress test are also covered and discussed.

    Each topic is schedule for 2 hrs presentation. Experience shows that, in general, sessions are delayed to answer questions and controversy that may arise from this topic during the presentation. 

    Day 1

    Fracturing History And concept

    Pressure Transient Analysis: a review from Horner to pressure derivative

    Fractip-Origin of Log log and Pressure derivative

    Insitu stress & Incipient failure- non elastic rock – PoroElasticity

    Day 2

    Material balance: Fundamental of Frac Modelling

    Frac Pressure & PTA - Geometry model

    Dynamic closure test (Datafrac part 1)

    Near Wellbore stress & Non align Frac

    Day 3

    Leak-off theory and insight

    G-plot decline analysis (Datafrac part 2)

    Wellbore Frac height log Temp-Tracer-CHSA

    Minifrac / SRT hands-on

    Day 4

    ACA's Theory and log log Diagnostic plot and example (4hrs)

    Vertical Fracture Complexity (shale) (short picture set of slide)

    Exploration Fracturing in vertical wells

    Frac Production optimization (on request - if time permits)

    Day 5


    Local example analysis, max 8 data set 1hrs / each  ( need ascii data of job, BHP in priority)

    20 min presentation of cases (geological context, local practice, well specific)

    40 min of discussion

    Production engineers and other professionals involved in the design and evaluation of hydraulic fractures.

    Good domain of fracturing principles, both in design, in execution and evaluation.

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