  • Class and Course

    Fundamentals of IT Infrastructure for G&G and RE Applications

    This course will cover the technical factors that should be considered when defining E&P IT infrastructure.

    The course starts with a general overview of E&P IT including data storage, networks and systems. Using this background information, participants will analyze specific E&P IT infrastructure requirements for Geology & Geophysics, Reservoir Engineering, and data management.

    The information will be applied through case studies allowing participants to practice, discuss and understand the impacts for different workflows and domains.

    IT Support, IT Managers with previous experience in supporting corporate IT infrastructure

    • E&P IT Overview
    • IT for G&G applications
    • IT for RE applications
    • IT for Data Management
    • The Integrated IT environment for E&P

    Functional to expert knowledge in one or more of the following areas: Operating Systems, networking, storage, database, System Administration

    Petroleum Exploration and Production awareness

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