  • Class and Course

    Fundamentals of Petrophysics - Including Well Logs and Reservoir Petrophysics

    Thiscourse is delivered using remote techniques and platforms with 10 sessions thatare 4 hours in length, in either a customized private format, or open course setting.The primary audience is for any subsurface professional that needs tointeract with petrophysical data, well logs or reservoir rock properties. Thecourse provides participants an understanding of reservoir properties and how welllogs are used by various disciplines.

    The goals of this course are to provide participants a basicknowledge of why core analysis is important, how openhole well logs are usedand how petrophysics is used to evaluate lithology, porosity, fluid types, fluidsaturation, wettability, fluid contacts and the free water level. 

    This course utilizes several active learning methods such asquizzes, inactive workshops, discussions and outside class workshops to confirmthat participants are learning the key concepts using remote deliverytechniques.

    Segment 1 – CourseIntroduction 

                         -  Pre course quiz

                         - Why Petrophysics is Important

                         - How Petrophysics is used in  reservoir characterization

                         - PetroMan Discussion

                         - Workshop 1 

    Segment 2 - Review Day 1 and Confirm Learning 

     - Discuss objectives for Day 2

     - Review the principles of open hole tooling tools

     - Wireline and LWD

     - What is Gamma Ray and how is it used

     - What are Nuclear Tools (density and neutron) and how are they used

     - What are Acoustic Tools and how are they used

     - What are Resistivity Tools and how are they used

     - Introduce a basic workflow for open hole log evaluation

     - Workshop 

    -  Segment 2 Quiz


    Segment 3 - Review Day 2 and Confirm Learning 

     - Discuss objectives for Day 3

     - Using Gamma Ray to Determine Volume of Shale and Sand

     - Complete a quick VSH exercise

     - Review the density tool and Density porosity

     - Complete a quick density porosity exercise

     - Review the neutron tool and neutron porosity

     - Complete a quick neutron porosity exercise

     - Review the acoustic tool and acoustic porosity

     - Review the concept of "coherent scales"

    -  Segment 3 Quiz

    Segment 4 - Review Day 3 and Confirm Learning 

     - Discuss objectives for Day 4

     - Review the principles of determining lithology

     - Volume of Shale and Volume of Clay

     - Neutron - Density Cross-Plot and workshop

     - Neutron spectroscopy logs and Mineralogy

     - Acoustic Log - Lithology

     - Introduction to NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) - Logging 

     - Interactive Workshop 

    -  Segment 4 Quiz

    Segment 5 - Review Day 4 and Confirm Learning 

     - Discuss objectives for Day 5

     - The borehole environment and invasion

     - Define - Rw, Ro, Rxo and Rt (and interactive workshop)

     - Introduce Archie's Equation and workshop

     - Using Archie's Equation to estimate water saturation

     - The concept of Resistivity (shallow, medium and deep)

     - Introduce Hydrocarbon Identification (Ro & Rt) and (Ro & PHI)

     - Introduce the 3-Line Visual Technique

    -  Segment 5 Quiz

    Segment 6 - Review Day 5 and Confirm Learning 

     - Discuss objectives for Day 6

     - Introduce the Pickett Plot and Workshop

     - Introduce the Electrical Rock Properties - Archie "m" and "n" and Workshop

     - Well Log 1 - Workshop

     - Well Log 2 - Workshop

     - Well Log BZ - Workshop

     - Define Coring and why it is important

    -  Segment 6 Quiz

    Segment 7 - Review Day 6 and Confirm Learning 

     - Discuss objectives for Day 7

     - Introduce core analysis - core preparation (cleaning and drying)

     - Introduce Routine Core Analysis (Vb = Vgr + Vp)

     - Methods to determine Bulk Volume (Vb)

     - Methods to determine Pore Volume (Vp)

     - Methods to determine Grain Volume (Vgr)

     - Total & Effective Porosity

     - Absolute Permeability and Darcy's Law

    - Core Saturation

    - Various interactive workshops and exercises

    - Day 7 - Quiz

    Segment 8 - Review Day 7 and Confirm Learning 

     - Discuss objectives for Day 8

     - The concept of capillary pressure and saturation distribution and workshop

     - The concept of pore throat radius and workshop

     - The concept of OWC and FWL

     - The concept of pore geometry from mercury injection

     - The concept of predicting pore throat radius from porosity & permeability 

     - Various interactive workshops

     - Introduce the concept of petrophysical rock types

    -  Day 8 - Quiz

    Segment 9 - Review Day 8 and Confirm Learning 

     - Discuss objectives for Day 9

     - Discuss 3 Basic Methods to Determine Petrophysical Rock Types and workshops

     - Well Analysis Workshop - for petrophysical rock types

     - Introduce the concept of saturation height modeling using petrophysical rock types

     - Concept SHM workshop

     - Review recent PRT papers 2015 & 2018

     - Interactive workshop to find FWL & Range of the FWL

    -  Day 9 - Quiz

    Segment 10 - Review Day 9 and Confirm Learning 

     - Discuss objectives for Day 10

     - Introduce Flow Unit Analysis & workshop

     - Course Summary Workshop - Excel 

              -   Log Analysis and fluid identification

              -   Petrophysical Rock Type Analysis 

              -   Saturation Height Model Analysis

              -   Flow Unit Analysis

    - Course Wrap Up

    - Post Course Quiz

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