  • Class and Course

    Fundamentals of Well Testing Operations - ELC

    The course will be held at SLB's European Learning Center (ELC) training facility in Melun, France.

    It will consist of some theoretical classroom sessions conducted with experienced professional providing presentations of well testing equipment, procedures and operations. The participants will then have practical exposure sessions using the well testing flow loop and hands on sessions with various well testing tools in the training center. It is anticipated that the course will be 50% classroom based and 50% practical on the various training pads and workshops at ELC.

    The course includes an introduction to well testing equipment and the instrumentation required to control, monitor, measure and sample reservoir fluids produced during a typical well test.

    Participants will gain an understanding of the primary objective of surface and downhole well testing which is to assess well productivity by measuring gas, oil and water flow rates and pressures under controlled production conditions. A major focus during the course is to instill on the participant a thorough understanding of safe handling practices of the produced effluents (solids, liquids and gases) at high pressures and temperatures.

    Throughout this course, safety will be a primary focus and participants will be shown HSE best practices that should be implemented during each phase of well testing operations.

    Day 1

    08.30   Welcome and induction to course agenda

                Welcome and agenda induction

    09.00   Well Testing Overview

                Well Testing Overview, Objectives, Types of Test, Data Acquired

    12.30   Lunch 

    13.00   Introduction to Tubing Conveyed Perforating (TCP) - PRACTICAL TCP Workshop

                Perforating principle

                Gun system description and selection

    Day 2

    08.30   Introduction to Drill Stem Testing (DST) - PRACTICAL DST Workshop

                Introduction to DST concept

                Objectives, Tools, Principle of operations, Types of DST's,Job Design principles

    12.30   Lunch

    15.00   Reservoir Sampling and Analysis RSA & WSC - PRACTICAL RSA Workshop

    Open Hole & Cased Hole Sampling, methods of sampling, sample transfer, types of samplers and carriers.

    16.15   Introduction to Muzic

    Muzic Wireless Telemetry principles

    Day 3

    09.00   Introduction to Subsea Operations – PRACTICAL Subsea Tower

                Explanation of Subsea Operations

                Subsea Tools Overview 

    12.30   Lunch

    13.00   Introduction to Surface Well Testing – PRACTICAL Testing Loop #2

                Introduction to Surface Well Testing and Well Test Parameters

                Equipment Introduction

    Day 4

    08.30   Introduction to Surface Well Testing Operations – PRACTICAL Testing Loop #2 + Class

                Introduction to safety concerns, operations and job design

    12.30   Lunch

    13.00   Testing Surface and Down hole data acquisition – Class + PRACTICAL TDA Lab

    Introduction to Testing Data Acquisition (TDA), SWAN, Signature Gauges, Turbine meters, Coriolis meters

    Day 5

    08.30   Introduction to Multiphase Flow Meter technology (Vx) – Class + PRACTICAL Loop

                Vx Technology Overview

                Tool Description & Measurement Principles

                Operations and Performance

    12.30   Lunch

    13.30   Testing Future Technologies

                Vx, AWS, SWAN, IAT, EverGreen, Concert, MUZIC HT

                Class Evaluation

    15.00   Round table and wrap up

    Reservoir Engineers, Production Engineers, Petroleum Engineers, Production Supervisors as well as others needing a practical understanding of Well Testing Operations.

    • Well Testing Objectives
    • Basics of Well Testing Interpretation
    • Surface Well Testing
    • Testing Data Acquisition
    • Fluid Sampling and Analysis
    • Drill-Stem Testing
    • Tubing Conveyed Perforating
    • HSE Best Practices

    Prior knowledge of basic well testing operations and well testing interpretation is preferable.

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