  • Class and Course

    Geochemistry & Petroleum Systems

    The aim of our training courses is to provide geoscientists and engineers with an understanding of how petroleum geochemistry and basin modelling can solve many oil and gas exploration and production problems, both for conventional and unconventional plays. The overarching objective is to introduce the fundamentals of Petroleum Geochemistry and, following on from this, equip the candidates to go into greater depth on topics that they are particularly interested in​.

    The course is composed of three keystone modules which are of longer length than the others:​

    The keystone module on Source Rocks is concerned with petroleum source rocks, how they are characterized, how they are formed, how they evolve with increasing maturation, and how this influences the types and volumes of petroleum generated from different types of source rocks at different maturities.​

    The keystone module Petroleum is concerned with how petroleum is formed and characterized, the controls on petroleum composition prior to and after it enters the reservoir, and how petroleum can be grouped into genetic families and correlated to their source rocks.​

    The keystone module Petroleum Systems Analysis & Basin Modelling introduces the concepts and types of petroleum systems analysis and basin modelling, what input data is required, how models are constructed, the types of outputs and sensitivity analysis​

    ​Supplementary modules provide more insight on different applications of petroleum geochemistry, these include Organic Petrology & Maturity, Reservoir geochemistry, and Well site gas – fundamentals and applications


    Course Introduction:

    Learning Objectives

    Introduction to the discipline

    What is Petroleum Geochemistry?

    What is Petroleum Systems Analysis?

    Some common and not so common applications of geochemistry and petroleum systems in the E&P industry


    Source rocks:

    Learning Objectives

    Understanding why and how source rocks occur

    Source rock types and how they reflect their depositional environment

    How source rocks evolve with increasing burial

    Predicting hydrocarbon type and volumes based on source rock type and maturity

    Principle geochemical methods of characterizing source rocks (Rock-Eval, Organic Petrology, Extraction)

    Using wireline logs for source rock analysis



    Learning Objectives

    How petroleum is formed

    How petroleum is characterized

    Controls on petroleum composition prior to and after it enters the reservoir

    How petroleum can be grouped into genetic families and correlated to their source rocks


    Petroleum Systems Analysis & Basin Modelling

    Learning Objectives

    Introduction to the petroleum system concept and approaches to petroleum systems analysis.

    Understand the fundamentals of petroleum systems modelling/basin modelling.

    Introduction to general concepts and specific parameters relevant for thermal history modelling.


    Organic Petrology & Maturity

    Learning Objectives

    Understand what organic petrology is

    Understand what maturity is

    Appreciate the multiple applications of the field

    Know why thermal maturity studies are important – e.g. calibrate models, map maturity spatially, input risk to basins/prospects for charge determinations

    Understand the methods of the various thermal history tools

    Acknowledge the potential pitfalls of thermal history data and be able to identify data quality issues


    Reservoir geochemistry

    Learning Objectives

    Reasons for differences in fluid compositions

    How reservoirs are filled and mix 

    Shell, BP models

    Paragenetic history/Fluid inclusions as means of determining reservoir filling history

    Compositional grading – methods and examples

    Reservoir connectivity and compartmentalization – methods and examples

    Estimating fluid residence times

    Effects of in-reservoir alteration on petroleum - biodegradation theory and examples, water washing, phase separation, tar mats, fluid contacts

    Fluid properties prediction

    Non-hydrocarbon gases introduction

    Solids problems; e.g., wax, asphaltenes, soaps, hydrates 

    Production Monitoring and Allocation

    Complementary inorganic geochemical methods


    Well site gas – fundamentals and applications

    Learning objectives

    Understand the origin of the gases collected during the drilling processes

    Awareness of wellsite gas data: how it is collected on a rig and measured

    Understand how the data is reported by service companies

    Explain the origin and significance of wellsite gases and what corrections are required to maximize the geological signal.

    Awareness of how to use gas data to spot pay zones

    Understand what cause changes in associated and non-associated gas composition’s

    Example of how to correct wellsite gas data and calibrate it to PVT data

    Appreciate where it can go wrong:

    Reservoir vs non-reservoir zones

    Impact of coring

    Drilling induced effects

    Linkage to Pore Pressure

    Examples & some recommendations on set up

    Geologists, geophysicists, geochemists, reservoir/production engineers, petrophysicists, production chemists

    Source rocks:


    Petroleum Systems Analysis & Basin Modelling

    Organic Petrology & Maturity

    Reservoir geochemistry

    Well site gas – fundamentals and applications

    Awareness of petroleum geology, basic science

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