  • Class and Course

    Geomechanics Applications in Coal-Bed Methane - (Remote Instructor-Led Series)

    Geomechanics plays a critical role in optimizing unconventional reservoir exploitation. This two-day short course will provide essential aspects of geomechanics in coalbed methane (CBM) enabling an engineer or geoscientist to make better field development and operational decisions. A unique feature of this course is that it gives a unified geomechanics approach combining theoretical, laboratory (core testing) and field aspects to effective exploitation of unconventional reservoirs.

    This course covers the necessary fundamentals of geomechanics as applied to coal, cleats and natural fractures and their influence on drilling, wellbore stability and stimulation; critical elements in designing coal completions, and geomechanical aspects in CBM-EOR and CO2 sequestration.

    Day 1

    Fundamentals of Geomechanics:

    • Concept of stress/strain, mechanical properties, in-situ stresses, and principle of effective stress
    • Computation of mechanical properties and strength parameters from logs, calibrating them with static roperties measured on cores
    • Rock/coal strength – UCS, tensile strength and shear strength, types rock failure (tensile vs shear),
    • Understanding Mohr circle and Mohr-Coulomb criterion for rock failure
    • Characteristics of Coal
    • Characterizing coal structure
    • Effect of coal cleats and natural fractures on mechanical properties, strength and stresses
    • Evaluating coal mechanical properties and strength from core data (laboratory testing)
    Day 2

    Wellbore Stability in Coal:

    • Borehole stresses and near-wellbore mechanics
    • Mechanics of borehole collapse, sloughing, hole pack off and lost circulation
    • Estimation of safe mud-weight window
    • Factors causing wellbore instabilities in coal and how to mitigate them
    • Coal Stimulation
    • Basics of fracture gradient and hydraulic fracturing in coals
    • Overview of common completion techniques in CBM
    • Success stories and review of case studies
    • Geomechanical aspects in CBM-EOR and CO2 sequestration

    This short course is intended for engineers, geoscientists, and technologists involved in exploration, drilling, completions and production in unconventional reservoirs. Also, intended for asset and technical managers.

    Four years Engineering & Geoscience Degree

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