  • Class and Course

    High Gas-Oil Ratio Well Liquid Unloading - RILS

    The course is designed to provide a basic understanding of gas well liquid unloading methods.
    This course covers fundamental topics of artificial lift methods and other methods using foaming agents to reduce the specific gravity of fluids in the wellbore.This course is provided under RILS mechanism

    ·         Welcome Address + Instructor & Participants Introduction and Expectations

    ·         Pre-Test

    ·         Black Oil Properties

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Two Phase Flow Basics

    ·         Exercise/Break

    ·         Reservoir Dynamics - Productivity Index, Vogel and Combined

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Nodal Analysis

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Lift Methods

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Gas Lift Continuous (GL) - Description

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Gas Lift Continuous (cont)

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Gas Lift Continuous (cont)

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Gas Lift Intermittent (GL) - Description

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Gas Lift Intermittent (cont)

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Gas Lift Intermittent (cont)

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Plunger Lift - Description

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Plunger Lift (cont)

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Plunger Lift (cont)

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Sucker Rod Pumps (SRP) - Description

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Sucker Rod Pumps (SRP) - Description (cont)

    ·         Exercise

    ·         SRP High GOR Well Liquid Unloading Application

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Electric Submersible Pumps ESP - Description

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Electric Submersible Pumps ESP - Description (cont)

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Electric Submersible Pumps ESP - Description (cont)

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Electric Submersible Pumps ESP - Gas Separator

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Electric Submersible Pumps ESP - Gas Handling

    ·         Exercise

    ·         ESP Design with Nodal Analysis

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Progressive Cavity Pumps (PCP) - Description

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Progressive Cavity Pumps (PCP) - Description (cont)

    ·         Exercise

    ·         ESP Design Using Nodal Analysis

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Review of Downhole Equipment Design

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Round Table

    ·         Exercise

    ·         Summary of All the Topics Covered in the Session

    ·         Post-Test

    Gas Engineering Support Staff, Petroleum Engineers, Reservoir Engineers, Geologists, Geophysicists, Service Company Specialist Engineers, Project Support Staff (QHSE, Materials, Logistics, Purchasing and Finance), Gas Contractor Staff, Sales Engineers, Business Development Managers, Field Service Managers and R&D Specialists.

    -Gas well liquid unloading methods

    -Fundamental topics about artificial lift methods and other methods like foaming agents

    -Practical exercises for each artificial lift method

    Participants should be familiar with basic Production Engineering, have some field experience in Production and basic knowledge of artificial lift systems. Basic understanding of well completions and operations.

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