  • Class and Course

    High Voltage Distribution Systems and Equipment

    A properly designed, operated and maintained electrical distribution system is a vital element in safety and reliability of an electrical system in an industrial plant.

    This course has been designed to provide participants with an understanding of the layout of high voltage distribution systems found in an industrial settings typically defined as (5kV to 35kV).  Topics covered include basic distribution system designs, typical equipment used as well the basic maintenance activities associated with this equipment.  Participants will gain and understanding of the main safety issues associated with high voltage distribution system.

    Upon completion of this course, participants should have a knowledge of the technology associated with high voltage distribution system within the oil and gas industry.  Having this knowledge will help each technician develop confidence and professional enthusiasm, therefore, increasing their efficiency. The knowledge that technicians gained from this course will be further expanded by on-job training and practical experience they will receive throughout the duration of their career.

    Day 1

    Basics of Power Distribution System Design

    • Single line diagrams
    • Distribution system designs
    • Fault levels
    • System grounding

    On the first day, participants will be introduced to single line diagrams and electrical symbols used for distribution equipment, both International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and National Electrical Code (NEC) symbols will be covered.   Attendees will learn the advantages and disadvantages of different layouts of high voltage distribution systems.  Basic fault calculations and the importance of fault levels in the selection of equipment will be explained.  Pros and cons of various distribution system groundings will be covered. Participants will learn about how emergency and critical power systems are integrated with the distribution system.

    Day 2

    Power Distribution Equipment  

    • Metal clad switchgear
    • Gas insulated switchgear
    • Circuit breakers
    • Transformers

    On this day participants will learn about high voltage switchgear, including layout, rating and features of distribution switchboards.  The day will cover circuit breaker technologies including air-break, SF6 and vacuum.  Operation of gas insulated switchgear and distribution transformers will also be included.   

    Day 3

    Power Distribution Safety and Maintenance  

    • Power fuses and cables
    • Safety grounding
    • Arc flash safety
    • Distribution system maintenance

    On day thee participants will be introduced to operation of HV power fuses and construction of HV power cables.  Typical safety considerations such as grounding, lightening protection, shock protection and arc flash safety to NFPA 70E will be explained.  Basic maintenance requirements for switchgear, circuit breakers, transformers and cable systems will also be covered.

    This course is designed for electrical technicians, maintenance planners, and supervisors with operation and maintenance responsibilities who work in an industrial plant.

    Anyone taking this course should familiar with electrical installations in an industrial setting.

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