  • Class and Course

    QHSE for Line Managers

    Course Summary:

    • Role of a Line Manager in the control of health, safety, security, and environmental risk.
    • Next level of leadership and accountability for HSE management.
    • Advanced level of safety, health & environment in the Oil & Gas Exploration & Production industry.
    • HSE professionals is that they learn the content and are thus able to observe and intervene with Line Managers on HSE issues.
    • Course is focused on field operations in the Oil & Gas Exploration & Production Industry Sector.
    • Give the  Line Manager an overview of the responsibilities and accountabilities of HSE/Security Risk Management and Control.
    • Course is taken before or soon after promotion to the Line Management role.
    Course objectives:
    • Identify roles and responsibilities in relation to current occupational health and safety legislation.
    • Understand the components of a safety management system and systematic implementation.
    • Identify hazards at work and apply appropriate strategies to reduce the risks of injuries arising from the hazards.
    • Identify the role of consultation in regards to representing employees and resolving WHS issues.
    • Understand the importance of timely incident investigation and reporting of incidents.
    • Understand the roles and responsibilities concerning injury management and the return to work process.
    • Safety culture improvement.
    • Checking HSE performance.
    • HSE Leadership approach.
    Safety training for line managers will:
    • Build a safe workplace with a strong fire safety culture.
    • Teach employees responsibilities and other important information.
    • Learners can train at any time, from anywhere.
    • Tailored to meet organizational needs and requirements.
    • Flexible, customizable program to meet your requirements.
    • Engaging interactive modules to ensure better learning outcomes.
    • Automated email roll-outs.
    • Engaging interactive sequences to aid learning.
    • Management compliance via a powerful management system.
    Course Activates:
    • Course size specification maximum is 16 delegates.
    • Course is organized to be team-based (three teams).
    • Workshop-intensive.

    Day 1

    • Course daily agenda
    • In House and RILS Rules
    • Introductions
    • The ROI (Return on investment) objective
    • The Business Case for HSE Management
      • Brief History of QHSE
      • History of REACTION to Disaster
      • Group Exercise
      • Why we need to manage HSE
      • Class Discussion
      • Challenger case
      • Group Exercise
      • Reasons to manage HSE
      • Reasons to manage HSE -  Illustration
      • Moral Development
      • Group Exercise
      • Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster: A Survivor's Story
    • Company Culture & HSE
      • Group Exercise
      • The Fallacy of Priorities
      • Group Exercise
      • Characteristics of HSE Cultured
      • Group Exercise
    • Motivation & Behaviour Change
      • Motivation A>B>C
      • Manager Motivation Tactics
      • Intervening with Consequences
      • Soon, certain & positive
      • Activator, Behavior & Consequence
      • Group Exercise
    • Macondo / Deepwater Horizon Case Study
      • Falling Dominos of Macondo
      • The five Barriers
      • Bow Tie Analysis & Critical Control Overview - Illustration
      • Bowtie Diagram
      • Diverter Barrier
      • Ignition Barrier
      • Blowout Response
      • Oil Spill Response
      • Macondo Case Study – BP Documents
      • Macondo Blowout
    • Summary
    • End of Day 1

    Day 2

    • Day 1 Review
    • SWAMP
    • Management Systems
      • What is a Management System
      • What is a QUALITY Management System
      • What is a API Q2
      • Managing Service Contractor Quality
      • Management Systems Operator View
      • Management Systems Contractor View
    • Policies, Standards & Objectives
      • Documentation Hierarchy
      • Policy
      • Standards
    • Group Exercise: Policies & Standards
      • Objectives
      • Management by Objectives
      • SMART Objectives
    • Class Discussion: Objectives
    • Policies, Standards, & Objectives In HSE
      • Organizational Structure
    • Organizational Structure Illustration
    • Group Exercise: Policies & Standards
    • What can a Manager do without HSE Staff
    • Visible Leadership & Participation
    • Information & Communication Management
    • Group Exercise: Organizational Structure
    • Safety Meetings
    • Safety Committees
    • Class Discussion: Organizational Structure
    • HSE Training Programs & Support
    • Class Discussion: Organizational Structure
      • Recognition Programs
      • Request Support from Above
    • Information & Communication Management
    • Line Manager Stewardship of HSE Information
    • Line Manager Stewardship of HSE Communication
    • Steps to Effective Meetings
    • Class Discussion: Steps to Effective Meetings
      • Clear Roles and Goals
      • An Agenda
      • Involvement of Everybody
      • Recognize Participation
      • Be Concise
      • Review, Summarize & Agree
    • After the Meeting
    • OSHA Information & Communication Management
    • End of Day 2

    Day 3

    • Day 2 Review
    • The Language of Risk Management
      • Activity
      • Hazard
      • Risk
      • Hazard Analysis
      • Prevention:
      • Mitigation:
      • Risk Management
    • The Heinrich Pyramid
    • Class Discussion: The Language of Risk
    • Line Management ToolBox
    • Prevention vs. Mitigation
    • Lagging Indicators of Potential Crisis
    • Class Discussion: The Language of Risk
    • The Hierarchy of Control: Prevention & Mitigation
    • NOT Risk Elimination
    • Risk Control
    • Prevention & Mitigation Management
    • Hierarchy of Prevention & Mitigation
    • Behavior-Based Safety
    • How to motivate your employees Illustration
    • Class Discussion: Prevention & Mitigation
    • Risk Analysis
    • Risk & HARC Matrix
    • Prevention Measures
    • Mitigation Measures
    • Class Discussion: Risk Analysis
    • Enterprise Risk
    • Class Discussion: Enterprise Risk
    • Group Exercise: RISK
    • Supply Chain & Contractor Management
    • In the Case of Macondo
    • The Consequences of Failed Contractor Management
    • The Deepwater Horizon Rig
    • Group Exercise - Consequences of Failed Contractor Management
    • The Consequences of Failed Contractor Management
    • The Consequences of Macondo
    • Class Discussion: Supply Chain & Contractor Management
    • Class Exercise: Use A Risk Matrix to Assess their Role
    • Environmental Risk Management
    • Class Discussion: Environmental Risk Management
    • Emergency & Crisis Management
    • End of Day 3

    Day 4

    • Day 3 Review
    • Business Continuity
    • What is a Business Continuity Plan
    • Managing the Media
    • Managing the Message
    • Class Discussion: Environmental Risk Management
    • The Professional Media Spokesperson
    • The Holding Statement
    • Personal Security Management
    • How does a Line Manager Control Security
    • Active Shooter Video Training
    • Health Risk Management
    • Health: Prescription for Line Manager Control:
    • Circadian Rhythms’ Effects on Business Processes
    • Circadian Rhythms’ Effects on Business Processes:
    • Circadian Rhythms Illustration
    • Class Discussion: Circadian Rhythms
    • Sleep Latency & Time of Day:
    • Line Manager Role: During/After the EVENT
    • Information & Communication review
    • Performance Monitoring & Records
    • measure our Business performance
    • Line Managers should seek answers to questions
    • KPIs should a Line Manager focus
    • LAGGING – KPI’s
    • Class Discussion: LAGGING KPIs
    • Leading/Lagging Comparisons
    • Event Investigation
    • Why Investigate
    • The objectives of effective accident and incident investigations
    • SCAT Loss Causation Model
    • The Domino Effect
    • Investigation Obstacles
    • Investigation Principles
    • Investigation Process – OVERVIEW
      • Incident Occurs
      • Information Gathering and Fact Finding
      • Analyze the Incident
      • Create Action Items
      • Data entry in Reporting Database
      • Line Manager responsibilities
      • should be alert to the following:
      • Class Discussion: Event Investigation
    • END of day 4

    Day 5

    • Day 4 Review
    • Inspections, Assessment, Audits
      • Latin Roots
      • Definitions
      • Purpose
      • Group Exercise
    • The Definitions and Concepts of Auditing
      • Formal Audit:
      • Audit Criteria:
      • Audit Evidence:
      • Audit Types, First, Second- and Third-Party Audits
      • Lead Auditor
      • Audit Findings
      • Audit Team
      • Remedial Work Plan (RWP):
      • Liability
    • The Principles of Auditing
      • Integrity
      • Fair Presentation
      • Due Professional Care
      • Confidentiality
      • Independence
      • Evidence Based Approach
    • The Fundamentals of Interviewing
      • Purpose
      • The FLOW of Communication
      • The Barriers to Sending 7 receiving a Message
      • Class Discussion
      • Modes of Communication
      • Reading Facial and Body Gestures
      • Facial and Body Gestures Illustration
    • Class Discussion: Non-Verbal Communication
    • Interviewing: The Essential Aspect of an Audit
      • Interviewing Guidance
    • The Fundamentals of Data Analysis & Findings
      • Data Analysis & Findings
      • Class Discussion / Recap
    • The Fundamentals of Report Writing
      • Report Writing
      • Location / Timing Description
      • Summary Statement
      • Conclusions 
      • Recommendations
      • Findings
      • Group Exercise
      • Conditions
    • Course Close/Administration / Review Expectations

    • Managers with Profit/Loss Statement Authority.
    • HSE managers
    • Quality managers.
    • Function Managers.
    • Project Managers.
    • Team Managers & Leaders.
    • Introductions
    • The ROI (Return on investment) objective
    • The Business Case for HSE Management
    • Company Culture & HSE
    • Motivation & Behaviour Change
    • Macondo / Deepwater Horizon Case Study
    • SWAMP
    • Management Systems
    • Policies, Standards & Objectives
    • Class Discussion: Objectives
    • Policies, Standards, & Objectives In HSE
    • Organizational Structure
    • What can a Manager do without HSE Staff
    • Visible Leadership & Participation
    • Information & Communication Management
    • Safety Meetings
    • Safety Committees
    • Class Discussion: Organizational Structure
    • HSE Training Programs & Support
    • Information & Communication Management
    • Line Manager Stewardship of HSE Information
    • Line Manager Stewardship of HSE Communication
    • Steps to Effective Meetings
    • Class Discussion: Steps to Effective Meetings
    • 1 Clear Roles and Goals
    • 2 An Agenda
    • 3 Involvement of Everybody
    • 4 Recognize Participation
    • 5 Be Concise
    • 6 Review, Summarize & Agree
    • After the Meeting
    • OSHA Information & Communication Management
    • The Language of Risk Management
    • The Heinrich Pyramid
    • Class Discussion: The Language of Risk
    • Line Management ToolBox
    • Prevention vs. Mitigation
    • Lagging Indicators of Potential Crisis
    • Class Discussion: The Language of Risk
    • The Hierarchy of Control: Prevention & Mitigation
    • NOT Risk Elimination
    • Risk Control
    • Prevention & Mitigation Management
    • Hierarchy of Prevention & Mitigation
    • Behavior-Based Safety
    • How to motivate your employees Illustration
    • Class Discussion: Prevention & Mitigation
    • Risk Analysis
    • Risk & HARC Matrix
    • Prevention Measures
    • Mitigation Measures
    • Class Discussion: Risk Analysis
    • Enterprise Risk
    • Class Discussion: Enterprise Risk
    • Supply Chain & Contractor Management
    • In the Case of Macondo
    • The Consequences of Failed Contractor Management
    • The Deepwater Horizon Rig
    • The Consequences of Failed Contractor Management
    • The Consequences of Macondo
    • Environmental Risk Management
    • Class Discussion: Environmental Risk Management
    • Emergency & Crisis Management
    • Business Continuity
    • What is a Business Continuity Plan
    • Managing the Media
    • Managing the Message
    • Class Discussion: Environmental Risk Management
    • The Professional Media Spokesperson
    • The Holding Statement
    • Personal Security Management
    • How does a Line Manager Control Security
    • Active Shooter Video Training
    • Health Risk Management
    • Health: Prescription for Line Manager Control:
    • Circadian Rhythms’ Effects on Business Processes
    • Circadian Rhythms’ Effects on Business Processes:
    • Circadian Rhythms Illustration
    • Class Discussion: Circadian Rhythms
    • •Sleep Latency & Time of Day:
    • Line Manager Role: During/After the EVENT
    • Information & Communication review
    • Performance Monitoring & Records
    • Measure our Business performance
    • Line Managers should seek answers to questions
      • KPIs should a Line Manager focus
      • LAGGING – KPI’s
      • Leading/Lagging Comparisons
      • Event Investigation
      • The objectives of effective accident and incident investigations
      • SCAT Loss Causation Model
      • The Domino Effect
      • Investigation Obstacles
      • Investigation Principles
      • Investigation Process – OVERVIEW
      • Inspections, Assessment, Audits
      • The Definitions and Concepts of Auditing
      • The Principles of Auditing
      • The Fundamentals of Interviewing
      • Interviewing: The Essential Aspect of an Audit
      • The Fundamentals of Data Analysis & Findings
      • The Fundamentals of Report Writing
      • Course Close/Administration / Review Expectations
      • Individuals are responsible for managing HSE in Oil & Gas Exploration & Production.
      • Individuals are responsible for managing operations in the General Industry.
      • Individuals are responsible for managing the HSE Management system.
      • Individuals are responsible for managing the Emergency and risk management.

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