  • Class and Course

    Innovation in Energy RILS

    Innovate or else! We all know that innovation is critical for continued success, but how do I create a fit-for-purpose, sustainable innovation process? What are the most important elements to focus on? How do I gather, review and prioritize ideas for further investment? This course teaches current innovation best practices, with a focus on energy-specific applications.

    Innovation process overview

    Idea gathering, ranking, prioritizing methods

    Business Model generation and ranking

    Creating a relevant business case

    Creating a relevant business case

    Creating a healthy product development lifecycle

    Documenting decisions

    Checkpoint meeting checklists (investment decisions)

    Product managers, Project leaders, Product governance board, CTOs (Chief Technology Officers), CPOs (Chief Product Officers), Product owners/champions, Product Analysts

    • Innovation process overview
    • Idea gathering, ranking, prioritizing methods
    • Business Model generation and ranking
    • Creating a relevant business case
    • Creating a healthy product development lifecycle
    • Documenting decisions
    • Checkpoint meeting checklists (investment decisions)

    Relevant (minimal) experience either in product management or development.

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