  • Class and Course

    Integral Well Productivity

    A comprehensive discussion of the sub-surface production system, enabling detailed analysis and diagnosis of production impeachments and their corrective mitigation, has to take in to account the integrality of the production system: from the reservoir offer and limitations to the wellbore restrictions and the production completions.

    This 2-week course discusses methods to analyze reservoir behavior and optimize production based on decline curve analizis and Nodal analysis. Also, the course discusses the performance of fracturing completions and acid stimulations.

    Oilfield economics, applied to well interventions, are also discussed.

    Practical exercises illustrate each module and enable full comprehension of the methods explained.


    Day 1

    AM - Introduction

    AM - 1st day quiz

    AM - Five Reservoir Fluids

    PM - Inflow Performance in Oil Wells

    PM - Inflow Performance in Gas Wells


    Day 2

    AM - Damage and Skin

    AM - Formation Damage

    PM - Vertical Multiphase Flow 


    Day 3

    AM - Optimization Using Nodal Analysis

    PM - Conventional Decline Curve Analysis


    Day 4

    AM - Decline Curve Analysis in Multilayers

    AM - Advanced Decline Curve Analysis

    PM - Well Testing


    Day 5

    AM - History of Fracturing

    AM - Fracturing Production Prediciton

    PM - Acid Fracturing


    Day 6

    AM -Perforations Requirements

    AM - Fracturing Mapping

    PM - Fundamentals of Acid Stimulation



    Day 7

    AM - Matrix Stimulation or Perforating

    AM - Scale

    AM - Paraffins and Asphaltenes

    PM - Mini-frac testing

    Day 8

    AM - Frac growth analysis

    AM - Post-frac evaluation

    PM - Flow through restrictions

    Day 9

    AM - Productivity of horizontal wells

    AM - Fracturing horizontal wells

    PM - Gas conditioning 

    Day 10

    AM - Production separation systems

    AM - Economics in Well Interventions

    PM -Last day quiz

    Reservoir and Production Engineers.

    Decline curve analysis, Nodal analysis, fracturing and stimulation design analysis and all other topics of the daily schedule.

    Knowledge of basic concepts of Reservoir Engineering, Petrophysics and Production Engineering and experience dealing and solving field problems related to well productivity. Minimum of 3 years experienced working on Reservoir and Production Optimization.

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