  • Class and Course

    Integrated Production and Well Operations Modeling

    In this course an oil well simulator is used to explain many operations that take place in a real well.  This course / workshop consists of theoretical (50%) and practical (50%) sessions with experienced professionals. 

    The participants will simulate the operation of different artificial lift systems used to produce oil (Electric Submersible Pumps, Gas Lift, Progressive Cavity Pumps) under several operating conditions and its effect on the production system.  Water and air are used to simulate two-phase flow (oil and gas).

    The standard configuration of the Oil Well Simulator uses an Electric Submersible Pump with a Variable Speed Drive allowing the variation of the pump speed (RPM).  This feature is used to optimize production and well performance.  A "Work–Over" can be performed by changing the artificial lift system from ESP to Gas Lift.

    The configuration of the Oil Well Lab allows the visualization of the reservoir, wellbore, flow lines, choke performance and most common artificial lift systems. Additionally, the effect of damage removal, pump speed, gas injection rates and down hole pressure can be analyzed to generate optimization opportunities.

    "The Oil Well Laboratory, used in this course, is a physical simulator designed to enhance the learning process. The apparatus is an "oil" well physical simulator of a small scale. It uses water and air in place of oil and gas, allowing to perform and demonstrate most of the normal operations in a real well."

    Day 1
    • Quiz
    • Introduction to Oil Well Operations - Theory
    • Oil Well Completions - Theory
    • Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR) - Theory
    • Visualization of the Oil Field System - Hands On
    • Regular Well Test (Flow Rate and Bottom Hole Pressure): Darcy, Vogel, Combined - Hands On
    • The participant will measure flow rate in the tank and bottom hole pressures using fluid levels in the well.
    • Develop spreadsheets to do the IPR basic calculations – Exercise
    • Calculate permeability of a porous media (longitudinal) and two porous media (parallel and series) using the simulator - Hands On
    Day 2
    • Fluid Mechanics, calculation of down hole pressure exercised by a column of fluids, basics of two phase flow, pressure losses in pipeline - Theory
    • Visualization of two phase flow in vertical, horizontal and inclined pipe and calculations of pressure drop using the simulator - Hands On
    • Artificial Lift Overview: Rod Pumps, Progressive Cavity Pumps, Electric Submersible Pumps, Gas Lift, Hydraulic Pumps - Theory
    • Experiment in the simulator natural flow and determine the IPR for different operational condition – Hands On
    Day 3
    • Formation Damage - Theory
    • Formation damage calculations using the simulator, determine productivity with damage in the formation. "Perform" coiled tubing acidizing job, determine productivity of the well after acidizing - Hands On
    • Gas Lift demonstration, continuous and intermittent gas lift, plunger lift, different type of completions (open, semiclosed and closed) using the simulator, optimum injection rate, velocity string - Hands On
    • Demonstration of slick line operations using the simulator - Hands On
    Day 4
    • Choke in Pipeline, derivation of equation for one phase flow - Theory
    • Electric Submersible Pumps (ESP), Standard Applications, Motor, Seal/Protector, Intake, Gas Separator, Pump, affinity laws - Theory
    • ESP demonstration using the simulator, check for the pump correct rotation, pump-off, gas lock, dual completion (simultaneous and back up ESP and Gas Lift), hole in the tubing, pump running at different speeds - Hands On
    • Effect of hole in tubing - Hands On
    Day 5
    • Producing the fluids through two different permeability zones (parallel, series) using the simulator, calculate the average permeability for both cases - Hands On
    • Producing the well with two different pay zones with different reservoir pressures and productivity index, demonstration of cross flow using the simulator - Hands On
    • Hydraulic Pump System (Jet Pump), demonstration using the simulator - Hands On

    Technicians, Supervisors or Engineers with little or no prior knowledge of oil well operations.

    • Oil Well Operations
    • Inflow Performance Relationships
    • Permeability
    • Nodal Analysis
    • Well Completions
    • Choke
    • Artificial Lift
    • Electric Submersible Pumps
    • Gas Lift
    • Hydraulic Pumps
    • Flow of Fluids
    • Formation Damage
    • Fluid Mechanics

    Participants should be familiar with basic Production Engineering, have some field experience in Production and basic knowledge of artificial lift systems. Basic understanding of well completions and operations.

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