  • Class and Course

    International Arbitration for oil and gas agreements

    The exploration and development of oil and gas in developing countries is often been conducted by international oil companies and relies on a relationship and agreements between a host government and/or governmental agency and a foreign private company.  

    Exploration and production involves large, complex and risky investments.  In addition, due to the strategic importance of petroleum to both consumers and producers, such agreements have always been politically charged.  Over time these agreements have retained certain fundamental characteristics and these complex characteristics are the reason why arbitration is often used as a method for the settlement of disputes.

    Arbitration, specifically following the UNCITRAL rules, is generally the most commonly adopted method for the settlement of disputes in the oil and gas industries. Several factors have led to this.

    They include:

    • The technical nature of disputes requires an arbitrator with specialized knowledge;
    • The contracts anticipate disputes and thereby require provisions for resolution proceedings;
    • Arbitration is more favored by multinational oil and gas companies around the world; and
    • Commercial interests overlap and the contractual relations between the parties prefer arbitration over litigation as litigation is known to be time consuming, adversarial and expensive.

    The course contains two main parts.

    The first part will include the international oil and gas contracts, various types of contract, and the main clauses for arbitration.  It will look at why disputes arise and the main causes of disputes and disagreements.

    The second part will include the International Arbitration in oil and gas contracts.  It will use real case studies involving multi-party disputes between State and International Oil Companies.


    Development of International Petroleum Arrangements 

    Oil Concessions Prior to the 1950s 

    The Major Changes in the Concession System 

    The Financial Improvement 

    The Equal Sharing of Oil Profits 

    Price control 

    Other financial terms 

    The relinquishment concept 

    Working obligations 

    State Participation 

    Major Factors leading to the change 

    Emergence of New Contractual Arrangements 

    The Modern Concession Contracts 

    The Production Sharing Contracts 

    Participation Agreements (Joint Venture) 

    Service Contracts 

    The Pure Service Contracts 

    The Risk Service Contracts 

    The Legal Nature of International Petroleum Agreements 

    The Importance of Determining the Legal Nature of International Petroleum Agreements 

    Contractual and Regulatory Elements in the Petroleum Agreement 

    Contractual Elements 

    Regulatory Elements 

    The Contrasting views 

    The Legal Nature of International Petroleum Agreements: An Appraisal 

    The Legal Nature of International Petroleum Agreements 

    The Importance of Determining the Legal Nature of International Petroleum Agreements 

    Contractual and Regulatory Elements in the Petroleum Agreement 

    Contractual Elements 

    Regulatory Elements 

    The Contrasting views 

    The Legal Nature of International Petroleum Agreements: An Appraisal




    Indirect expropriation and the international petroleum industry 



    Direct and Indirect Expropriations: Distinction and Examples 

    The Test for Indirect Expropriation 

    Indirect Expropriation and Modern Investment Treaties 

    The Contribution of International Petroleum Arbitral Practice to the Question of Indirect Expropriation 


    Stabilization clauses and international petroleum agreements 


    Stabilization Clauses Defined 

    Petroleum Development Agreements: the Need for Stability 

    Typology of Stabilization Clauses 

    Validity and Efficacy of the Stabilization Clause 

    Stabilization Clauses and the Applicable Law 

    The Effect of Stabilization Clauses under National Law 

    The Effect of Stabilization Clauses under International Law 

    Scholarly Opinion 

    The Effect of Stabilization Clauses as Articulated by the Petroleum Arbitral Practice 

    Renegotiation of international petroleum agreements 


    The Re-negotiability of International Petroleum Agreements: Stability v. Flexibility 

    The Renegotiation of International Petroleum Contracts in the Absence of a Renegotiation Clause 

    The Adaptation Concepts Provided by the Law Applicable to International Petroleum Agreements 

    The Major Legal Systems of the World 

    Common Law Systems 

    Civil Law 

    Arab Laws and Islamic Law 

    International Law 

    The Renegotiation of Contracts through Force Majeure and Hardship Clauses 

    The Renegotiation of Contracts that Contain a Renegotiation Clause 

    The Effect of Renegotiation clauses Used in the International Petroleum Agreements and their Problem Areas 

    The Triggering Events for Renegotiation 

    The Extent of Contract Change by Virtue of renegotiation Clause 

    Problem Areas of the Renegotiation Procedure 

    The Duty to Renegotiate 

    Failed Renegotiations 

    What is “International Commercial Arbitration”?

    Dispute Settlement 

    Third party involvement in dispute settlement 

    Arbitration as a dispute settlement mechanism 

    Definition of “arbitration” 

    Arbitration is a mechanism for the settlement of disputes

    An arbitration is consensual 

    Arbitration is a private procedure 

    Arbitration leads to a final and binding determination of

    The Contribution of International Petroleum Arbitral Practice to the Concept of Renegotiation

    The rights and obligations of the parties 

    Foreign arbitration and international arbitration 

    Difference between a domestic arbitration and an

    “international” arbitration 

    Definition of an international arbitration 

    Why parties choose international commercial arbitration 

    Arbitration in general 

    International commercial arbitration

    History of International Commercial Arbitration 

    General background 

    The growth of international commercial arbitration 1920 to 1950 20

    The growth of international commercial arbitration 1950 to the present 22

    Development of investment arbitration 


    Legal regime governing international commercial arbitration 

    o New York Convention 

    o National law 

    o Arbitration rules 

    o Institutional arbitration rules 

    o Ad hoc arbitration rules 

    Arbitration practice

    Dispute Settlement on the edge of international commercial arbitration 

    Investment disputes 

    Iran-United States Claims Tribunal 

    Domain name dispute resolution procedures 


    • Contract Administrators 
    • Contracting Unit Supervisors 
    • Project Engineers and Project Managers 
    • Claims Managers and Business Audit Officers 
    • Financial staff   
    • General Managers involved in contract negotiation 
    • Commercial Managers 
    • Purchasing Officers & Supervisors 
    • Legal 

    •  It addresses the causation of a dispute through contract uncertainty and through the different forums for dispute resolution; 
    • the methodology of the dispute process;
    •  the importance of the evidence; 
    • the art of settlement, 
    • the role of experts, arbitrators and judges, 
    • the fundamentals of calculating damages, 
    • the advocacy skills required to achieve success and the enforcement of the award.

    By the end of the course you will learn:

    • A firm, substantive and practical understanding of international commercial and investment arbitration  special in oil and gas contracts 
    • A firm understanding of the interrelationship between arbitration, national laws and international treaties; and how to enforce such awards worldwide;


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