  • Class and Course

    Introduction to Decarbonization, Challenges & Opportunities

    This three (3) day course provides a holistic vision about decarbonization needs in todays’ world. The effect of global warming, the different type of emissions scope and classification, the most popular technologies to detect, quantify and capture GHG’s emissions, the alternative technologies for decarbonization in strategic sectors (power generation, heating & cooling, transportation, petrochemical, steel, cement, etc.). This course also covers a high level summary about policies and regulations related to Hydrogen and CCS/CCUS (different countries)  and some case studies and key lessons  learned.

    The course has been designed for conventional classroom (+/- 7 hr/day) but, it can be customized as per the Clients necessities.

    Day 1 – Environment, Sustainability and Governance -ESG- Impact, and how it’s Driving a Change in the Energy Market: 

    • Different type of contaminating emissions (GHG’s) and the potential impact on our planet.
    • Key global warming factors.
    • Main industries that contribute to CO2 emissions.
    • Emissions scopes and classification.
    • The carbon budget of our atmosphere.
    • Main drivers for decarbonizing global energy industry.
    • ESG impact in the energy market.
    • Carbon Neutrality.

    Day 2 – Technologies for Detection, Quantification and Capturing GHG’s Emissions:

    • Overview of technologies for emission detection.
    • Different type of processes for capturing GHG’s (mainly CO2).
      • Pre-combustion
      • Post-combustion
      • Oxyfuel Combustion
      • Direct capture
    • Circular economy for the sustainable energy sector (to reduce GHG’s, optimize natural resources, etc.).
    • Emission capture and the Sankey analysis.
    • Carbon Negative Technologies.
    • Case study & lessons learned.

    Day 3 – Decarbonization of Energy Industry & Other Industries

    • Hydrogen role in highly carbon intensive energy industries (i.e. steel, cement, etc.).
    • Hydrogen value chain.
    • CCS/ CCUS challenges and opportunities to contribute to the Net-Zero Goal by 2050.
    • The context of worldwide CCS/CCUS Technology.
    • CCS/CCUS value chain.
    • Overview about policies and regulations for Hydrogen and CCS/CCUS (different countries).
    • Decarbonization case study (challenge, benefits, technologies implemented, lessons learned, etc.)

    Professionals for O&G Sector, Energy Sector, Power Energy, Steel, Cement, transportation, heating & cooling, petrochemical and other highly intensive carbon industries.

    Professional interested to learn about the decarbonization process, its challenges and opportunities to reach Net-Zero by 2050 as per Paris agreement.

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