  • Class and Course

    Introduction to Drilling Insight as a Smart Well Monitoring Solution

    Participants in this course will learn all features that comprise the Digital Drilling Solution monitoring the execution of the Well Construction from Town. Participants will learn about all functionalities, workflows, and algorithms of Predictive Analytics and all the procedures in Real Time Visualization.

    Day 1: General Overview of DrillOps and Drilling Insight, Drilling Insights setup.

    ·         Creating a Well from DDP in Landing Portal from available DDP 

    ·         Map the DDP to the Demo Tenant 

    ·         Create another Well using the Manual option.

    ·         Alarm setup and configuration in Landing Portal for smart monitoring  

    ·         From Landing Portal, Launch the Well Management Application 

    ·         Channel Mapping & Setup  

    ·         Create one Fluid Report for the created well from DDP.  

    ·         Create a BHA and Map to the Run 

    ·         Start the Run  

    ·         Stop the Run 

    ·         Create a missing Casing Run/ Map it - Start/Stop the casing run. 

    ·         Complete the Section 

    ·         Use Data Export to download some channels. 

    Day 2: Drilling Insight Predictive Analytic. Drilling Insights RT Visualization.

    ·         Data Quality – Verification 

    ·         Review of Process Safety Alarm available in Landing Portal 

    ·         Drill String Integrity 

    ·         Drilling Performance  

    ·         Torque and Drag 

    ·         Drilling Efficiency 

    ·         Well Integrity 

    ·         Parameter adherence 

    ·         User Define Formula – Create a new UDF.

    ·         Data Quality – Verification

    ·         Review of Process Safety Alarm available in Landing Portal

    ·         Drill String Integrity

    ·         Drilling Performance 

    ·         Torque and Drag

    ·         Drilling Efficiency

    ·         Well Integrity

    ·         Parameter adherence

    User Define Formula – Create a new UDF

    Managers, Drilling Engineers, Well Engineers, Completion Engineers, Well Planning Specialists, Drilling and Completion Superintendents, Subsurface Team including Geologists, Petro physicists and Geomechanics Engineers, Drilling Supervisors, and other personnel involved in drilling operations.

    Topics to be covered:

    • Drilling Insights solution overview
    • Landing Portal – Functionalities
    • Well Management
    • Predictive Analytic – Data Quality, Process Safety Alarms, Dashboards
    • RT Visualization

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