  • Class and Course

    Introduction to Offshore Drilling and Completions Operations

    Learning Objectives:

    • The attendants will get familiar with offshore operations, offshore rigs, mooring operations and dynamic positioning operations, Remote Operating Vehicles (ROV).
    • Will get familiar with equipment and operations for drilling, completions and well testing in Jackup rigs, including wellheads, conductor, mud line suspension, corrosion caps installation, topsides and jacket installations and tiebacks.
    • Will get familiar with equipment and operations for drilling, completions and well testing in floater rigs, including subsea wellheads, subsea BOPs, LMRP, Risers, diverter operations in floaters, etc. 
    • Safety and environmental considerations in offshore operations.

    Day 1: General overview for offshore operations

    ·        Introduction to Offshore operations

    ·        Meteocean and Sea bed soil

    ·        Overview of offshore rigs

    ·        Mooring and DPS

    ·        ROV

    Day 2: Jack Ups

    ·        Topsides

    ·        Conductor

    ·        Mud line suspension and corrosion caps

    ·        Installation of jacket over template and tieback operations

    Day 3: Cont. Jack Up Rigs & Subsea equipment

    ·        General procedures to drill and run completions from a Jackup

    ·        Guide Base and Drilling Template

    ·        Lower Marine Riser Packer (LMRP) and Riser

    ·        Diverter operations in floaters

    ·        Subsea Wellhead

    ·        Subsea BOPs

    Day 4: Cont. Subsea equipment

    ·        Heave compensation and telescopic joint

    ·        General procedures to drill and run completions from a floater (ie. semi-submersible)

    ·        Special considerations during a well control operation

    ·        Special considerations for Well testing operations offshore

    Day 5: Cont. Subsea equipment

    ·        Surface well completion equipment (Jackups)

    ·        Subsurface well completions equipment (floaters, ie. Semis)

    ·        Xmas tree installation

    ·        Safety highlights in offshore operations

    ·        Environmental considerations for offshore operations

    Managers, Drilling Engineers, Completion Engineers, Reservoir Engineers, Production Engineers, Well Drilling engineers, Completion engineers, Well engineers, Drilling and Completion superintendents, Drilling supervisors and any other field personnel that are well related with drilling and completions design and operations and don’t have offshore experience or would like to re-enforce it  (I.e. Jackups and floaters).   

    Topics to be covered

    ·        Meteocean and sea bed soil considerations for offshore operations

    ·        Different type of offshore rigs

    ·        Mooring operations and Dynamic positioning systems

    ·        Remote Operating Vehicles (ROV)

    ·        Topsides and conductors and general procedures to drill and run completions from a Jackup rig

    ·        Mud line suspension, jacket installation and tieback operations, Xmas tree installation

    ·        Subsea equipment: Guide base, drilling templates, LMRP, Riser, Diverter operations in floaters, Subsea wellheads, subsea BOPs, heave compensation and telescopic joint.

    ·        Subsea operations: General procedures to drill and run completions from a floater, Special considerations during a well control operation, special considerations for Well testing operations, subsea well completion equipment and operations offshore, Subsea Xmas trees installation.

    ·        Safety pointers/highlights in offshore operations

    ·        Environmental considerations for offshore operations


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