  • Class and Course

    Management of HSE in Oil & Gas Exploration & Production

    • The goal for this training is to introduce managers to a proven structured system for managing HSE in the Oil and Gas industry. To have them become better leaders and to understand their role in the process of risk management.
    •  Delegates will understand how accountability and behavioral choices are critical in managing the risk around HSE; giving them proven tools to first identify risk, analyze that risk, and then to control the risk.
    •  Finally to take away solid realistic actions that they can implement to better manage the HSE risks they face day to day on the job.
    •  The Course uses OGP 510 and 511 Operating Management System Documents to drive management skill development

    Day 1
    1. Team Selection
      1. Delegates must select themselves into 3 teams of 7-6 persons, first person in writes (flip chart activity) similarity of duties or Geographical assignment or Project Assignment
      2. Introductions – getting to know you, each team puts together a team profile/introduction Assignment/Job Title, Oilfield Experience
    2. Everyone one shares an HSE story good or bad.
    3. A Gift from SLB (printed workshop)
      1. Workshop #1 – this workshop is designed to build on the team dynamics and foster familiarity with oilfield terms. It also gives them a resource long term with the App.
        1. The quality of your presentation is important.
        2. http://glossary.oilfield.slb.com/
        3. This is the SLB-sponsored, PUBLIC site for Oilfield Acronyms and Term Definitions.
        4. A free gift from SLB!!!
    4. The Business Logic for HSE (how do we make money discussion – we are all risk managers)
      1. Workshop #2 – this workshop ties them back to their stories from the start of the class and gives them insight into how the event affected the stake holders. We will also explore the consequence, “Was this the worst that could have happened?”
        1. The Challenger Shuttle: Normalization of Deviance
        2. What was the Consequence of an unsafe act from one of the team’s real life incidents?
      2. PowerPoint
    5. Perspective on Crisis & Emergency Management, understanding the terms.
      1. PowerPoint
    6. Failure of a Management System: Macondo BP Example              
      1. PowerPoint
    7. Introduction to the OGP OMS
      1. Handouts – 510/511 overview guide
      2. PPT Intro Sources
      3. Workshop – This workshop directs them to make a case for their understanding of how an OMS would work in their portion of Gazprom and why it’s important.   As a team, “What would your vision be for the Scope and the Applicability of the OMS in Gazprom?”  Create a brief PPT presentation to share your team’s thoughts as if presenting to the Sr. Management to confirm their commitment.
    Day 2
    1. Risk Assessment
      1. Video
      2. PowerPoint
      3. Building a risk profile, working through a systematic risk analysis process (HARC)
    2. Hierarchy of Control
      1. PowerPoint
      2. Workshop #5
        1. PowerPoint
    3. Potential Likelihood in Gazprom –
      1. Workshop #4 – This workshop brings process safety and personal safety together in very real potential incidents if controls are not in place.
        1. One of the 2 would include contractor incident.
        2. PowerPoint
    4. OGP OMS Workshop
      1. Work Product – This workshop applies the new leanings to enhance their thought processes about the application of the OMS.
      2. Upgrade and improve your teams’ presentation from earlier on Scope and the Applicability and the one to Sr. Managers.
    Day 3
    1. OGP OMS Workshop (Continued)
      1. Work Product – This workshop applies the new leanings to enhance their thought processes about the application of the OMS.
      2. Upgrade and improve your teams’ presentation from earlier on Scope and the Applicability and the one to Sr. Managers.
    2. Behavior and HSE Culture
      1. Video:  Why do well-trained people choose at-risk behaviors? Instructor shares a very powerful story of his personal experience with the fatality of Mark Shaw.
      2. PowerPoint
      3. Workshop - This workshop brings the focus onto what they can do to influence the culture through their behavior and monitoring the behavior of others.
      4. What actions can a manager take to influence a specific at-risk behavior?
        1. PowerPoint
      5. Each delegate will read their actions to the whole class and discussion and comments will follow. Making this delectation of action in front of their peers is very powerful.
        1. PowerPoint

    • Newly Assigned Managers.
    • Middle Managers.
    • Managers previously unaccustomed to management of high risk operations.

    1. Team Selection
      1. Delegates must select themselves into 3 teams of 7-6 persons, first person in writes (flip chart activity) similarity of duties or Geographical assignment or Project Assignment
      2. Introductions – getting to know you, each team puts together a team profile/introduction Assignment/Job Title, Oilfield Experience
    2. Everyone one shares an HSE story good or bad.
    3. A Gift from Schlumberger (printed workshop)
      1. Workshop #1 – this workshop is designed to build on the team dynamics and foster familiarity with oilfield terms. It also gives them a resource long term with the App.
        1. The quality of your presentation is important.
        2. http://glossary.oilfield.slb.com/
        3. This is the Schlumberger-sponsored, PUBLIC site for Oilfield Acronyms and Term Definitions.
        4. A free gift from Schlumberger!!!
    4. The Business Logic for HSE (how do we make money discussion – we are all risk managers)
      1. Workshop #2 – this workshop ties them back to their stories from the start of the class and gives them insight into how the event affected the stake holders. We will also explore the consequence, “Was this the worst that could have happened?”
        1. The Challenger Shuttle: Normalization of Deviance
        2. What was the Consequence of an unsafe act from one of the team’s real life incidents?
      2. PowerPoint
    5. Perspective on Crisis & Emergency Management, understanding the terms.
      1. PowerPoint
    6. Failure of a Management System: Macondo BP Example              
      1. PowerPoint
    7. Introduction to the OGP OMS
      1. Handouts – 510/511 overview guide
      2. PPT Intro Sources
      3. Workshop – This workshop directs them to make a case for their understanding of how an OMS would work in their portion of Gazprom and why it’s important.   As a team, “What would your vision be for the Scope and the Applicability of the OMS in Gazprom?”  Create a brief PPT presentation to share your team’s thoughts as if presenting to the Sr. Management to confirm their commitment.
    1. Risk Assessment
      1. Video
      2. PowerPoint
      3. Building a risk profile, working through a systematic risk analysis process (HARC)
    2. Hierarchy of Control
      1. PowerPoint
      2. Workshop #5
        1. PowerPoint
    3. Potential Likelihood in Gazprom –
      1. Workshop #4 – This workshop brings process safety and personal safety together in very real potential incidents if controls are not in place.
        1. One of the 2 would include contractor incident.
        2. PowerPoint
    4. OGP OMS Workshop
      1. Work Product – This workshop applies the new leanings to enhance their thought processes about the application of the OMS.
      2. Upgrade and improve your teams’ presentation from earlier on Scope and the Applicability and the one to Sr. Managers.
    1. OGP OMS Workshop (Continued)
      1. Work Product – This workshop applies the new leanings to enhance their thought processes about the application of the OMS.
      2. Upgrade and improve your teams’ presentation from earlier on Scope and the Applicability and the one to Sr. Managers.
    2. Behavior and HSE Culture
      1. Video:  Why do well-trained people choose at-risk behaviors? Instructor shares a very powerful story of his personal experience with the fatality of Mark Shaw.
      2. PowerPoint
      3. Workshop - This workshop brings the focus onto what they can do to influence the culture through their behavior and monitoring the behavior of others.
      4. What actions can a manager take to influence a specific at-risk behavior?
        1. PowerPoint
      5. Each delegate will read their actions to the whole class and discussion and comments will follow. Making this delectation of action in front of their peers is very powerful.
        1. PowerPoint

    Basic Management Potential

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