  • Class and Course

    PetroMod Fundamentals

    This course teaches new users how to run PetroMod* software. PetroMod petroleum systems modeling software combines seismic information, well data, and geological knowledge to accurately model the evolution of sedimentary basins over time and optimally predict if and how reservoirs have been charged with hydrocarbons. You will learn how to use PetroMod software via a series of exercises and gain a comprehensive overview of the 1D, 2D, and 3D workflows used in typical modeling projects. Domain theory will be discussed as needed to support the class exercises.

    Day 1
    • Introduction to petroleum systems concepts, key features of a petroleum systems model.
    • PetroMod 1D data loading and model creation, definition of boundary conditions, initial 1D simulations, 1D model calibration, outputs and analysis


    Day 2
    • Build a 2D model from a cross-section
    • PetroMod 2D data input and model creation, property assignment, boundary conditions, 2D model simulations.


    Day 3
    • PetroMod 2D Model outputs, calibration and analysis of results.


    Day 4
    • PetroMod 3D data input, 3D model creation, definition of facies.


    Day 5
    • Facies definition (continued), 3D model boundary conditions, model simulations, 3D outputs, calibration and analysis of results.


    • Geologists and geoscientists involved in exploration projects from basin to prospect level
    • Geologists and geoscientists working on appraisal projects where hydrocarbon types and properties are not adequately understood
    • E & P professionals seeking better understanding of the principles of petroleum systems modeling

    This is a foundation level course that introduces the concept of the petroleum system model and teaches you how to use PetroMod software. Domain knowledge is provided as needed, but the focus is on learning to use the software. The class covers 1D, 2D and 3D workflows. You will learn how to load data, build and define models, assign geological and geochemical properties (source rock properties and simple kinetics), run the simulator, analyze output results, and perform simple temperature calibrations.

    Some knowledge of geology and an interest in Petroleum Systems Modeling (PSM).

    Participants new to petroleum system modeling will certainly benefit from attending the associated domain class, Basin Analysis and Petroleum Systems Modeling, reference GL-TC1-NXT14080.

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