  • Class and Course

    Practical Production Operations and Flow Assurance with Software and a Physical Flow Simulator

    This course is intended for everyone whose works directly or indirectly involve flow assurance issues in production operations. Unlike any traditional Flow Assurance courses that are either domain oriented (i.e. theory and concept) or software oriented, this course is designed as a “blended” learning experience for the participants. It still covers the core content of the traditional Flow Assurance courses, with the key concepts of fluid flow in media such as hydraulics (or fluid dynamics) and thermodynamics, the usage of the de-facto industry application – OLGA, for those are looking for the enrichment of domain and software knowledge.

    In addition, this course includes a complementary hands-on workshop using the patented flow simulator, where participants will be able to experience in-person the basic production engineering/operation activities, witness the various fluid flow phenomena, examine the well’s production performance, and see the different flow regimes and the impacts of operational events like shut-down, start-up, and system depressurization. Then they will learn how to troubleshoot and remediate issues using both the software and the real-life simulators.

    Course attendees are expected to complete the course having gained significantly from making the connections between theories, the virtual world (software), and reality (flow simulator).

    Day 1

    Introduction to Multiphase Flow

    • Fluid flow in media
    • Multiphase flow fundamentals


    Introduction to the Flow Simulator

    • Setup and operation testing
    • The elements: the reservoir, the well(s), the equipment/pipeline
    • The operations: startup/shutdown, well testing, well performance assessment, flow assurance, etc.
    • - Simple production network – measurement and optimization


    Introduction to OLGA

    Day 2

    Introduction to OLGA Flow Simulation

    • Module 1 – Getting started with OLGA
    • Module 2 – Fluids in OLGA
    • Pipeline modeling basics


    Well Performance in Multiphase Flow

    • IPR for single and multiphase flow: PI/Darcy, Vogel and Fetkovich methods


    Flow Simulator Exercises

    • Well Testing, pressure buildup and drawdown
    • Single and multiphase flows
    • Flow regime/pattern
    Day 3

    Flow Simulator Exercises

    • Flow restriction removal in Riser
    • With by–pass loop
    • With chokes
    • With slug catcher


    Artificial Lift

    • - Gas Lift
    • - Electric Submersible Pumps


    Heat Transfer Fundamentals


    Application Training Module 3 – OLGA Flow Assurance

    • - Slugging and liquid surges
    • - Hydrate formation risk
    • - Hydrate inhibition (optional)
    Day 4

    Flow Simulator Exercises

    • Pipeline leaking identification
    • Well intervention with wireline and coil tubing
    • Formation damage and formation fracture simulation
    • Pipeline pigging
    • Application Training


    Module 4 – Flow Assurance Equipment and Controllers in OLGA

    • - Pipeline pigging
    • - Separators and control
    • - Separators pressure protection (optional)

    This course is intended for everyone in the Oil & Gas industry who want to get a basic understanding of flow assurance during the production phase, in wells and in pipeline network. It is strongly recommended for:

    • Technical Project Managers
    • Production Operators
    • Field Production Personnel / Supervisors / Superintendents
    • Production Engineers
    • Reservoir Engineers
    • Process Engineers
    • Asset Support Engineers
    • Production Planning Specialists
    • Production Accountants
    • Production Analysts
    • Production Surveillance Engineers
    • Surface Facilities Engineers

    Domain Knowledge:  Introduction to Production Operations and Flow Assurance

    1. Multiphase flow characteristics and challenges
    2. Multiphase flow modeling basics – steady-state vs. transient
    3. Flow pattern transition modeling
    4. Unstable flows – causes and effects
    5. Heat transfer in production system
    6. Basic production operations, well performance and intervention

    Software:  OLGA Dynamic Flow Simulation Application

    1. Introduction to OLGA GUI (Graphical User Interface)
    2. OLGA PVT (Pressure/Volume/Temperature) – Fluid Handling
    3. Designing/Modeling a pipeline with Pipeline Editor
    4. Simulation of terrain slugging mitigation, hydrodynamic slugging and the usage of OLGA Slug Tracking functionalities
    5. Construction of a Well-Pipeline-Riser oil production system to simulate typical operational scenarios such as well/system shut-in, cool-down, start-up, and depressurization
    6. Simulation of liquid accumulation and pigging in gas condensate pipeline
    7. Evaluation of hydrate formation risk and inhibition
    8. Modeling separators and controllers (optional)

    Simulator:  Production Operations and Flow Assurance – Concepts and Applications using a Physical Flow Simulator

    1. Introduction to the Flow Simulator – Concepts and Operations
    2. Well performance and analyses
    3. Terrain/Undulation slugging simulation – issues and troubleshooting
    4. Operational Event simulation – issues and troubleshooting
    5. Liquid accumulation and pigging simulation
    6. Simple Production Network simulation
      1. Phase measurement
      2. Network optimization
    7. Flow Restriction Removal in Riser
      1. With By-passed flow loop
      2. With Choke
      3. With Slug Catcher

    The course is designed to benefit everybody who is interested in Production Operations. Nevertheless, the learning experience will definitively be improved when the participants have had some basic knowledge of pipe flow/thermodynamics and flow assurance/flow simulation software applications, especially OLGA.

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