  • Class and Course

    ProSource Enterprise Advanced

    This course provides an understanding of the tasks required to administer and configure ProSource Enterprise and the ProSource Seabed advanced E&P data model. The course covers details of the procedures needed to:

    • Administer and create various Seabed accounts
    • Manage advanced data loading scenarios
    • Create custom coordinate systems
    • Synchronize existing projects
    • Extend the Seabed data model
    • Configure miscellaneous parameters like reports, job scheduler, etc.

    This course will help you to design advanced data loading and validation workflows for any custom E&P data needs.

    This course is intended for petro-technical data administrators, data loaders, data managers and any other data management professionals involved with corporate data management that need a deeper understanding of ProSource Enterprise configuration, administration and advanced workflows.

    • ProSource Enterprise architecture and application interface to access data
    • Description of various roles which control data access and validation
    • Seabed administration including procedures to extend the Seabed data model
    • Creation of projects, dictionaries, interfaces and staging areas (temporary areas used during data loading)
    • Creation of control files to support customized data loading scenarios
    • Coordinate system considerations during data loading
    • Utilities and configurations to synchronize projects (Data Copy/Update)
    • Creation of customized Excel reports
    • Managing temporary files created during loading/exporting and their cleanup
    • Configuration of job scheduler, email notifications (used during loading/exporting) and license parameters.

    ProSource Enterprise Fundamentals course or basic working experience of ProSource Enterprise.

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