  • Class and Course

    ProSource Logs Fundamentals

    This course teaches you the fundamental concepts and workflows required to manage the full lifecycle of well logs data using the functionalities of ProSource data management technology and the ProSource Seabed advanced E&P data model.

    You will receive an overview of the functionalities and the procedures needed to execute specific workflows of browsing, data loading, validation, quality control and exporting of well logs data in various industry standard formats.

    This course is intended for petro-technical data administrators, data loaders, data managers and geoscientists involved with corporate well logs data who require understanding about the functionalities and workflows supported by ProSource Logs.

    • ProSource Logs architecture and application interface to access well log data
    • Description of various file formats managed in ProSource Logs (DLIS, LIS, LAS, PDS, VSP)
    • Load, quality control and validate various well log data formats and standardize data during loading (like curve names, units of measurements etc.)
    • Automated batch loading configuration to allow service providers/external applications to load data without using the ProSource Logs interface
    • Browse data using tabular or graphical viewers (charts, wellbore viewer, maps)
    • Create various reports in user defined templates
    • Export data in standard formats (DLIS, LAS, LIS) and managing (cleanup) temporary files created during export
    • Manage and search documents (like core images, tool descriptions etc) and associate them to existing data (like a borehole, a logging activity etc).

    ProSource Framework Fundamentals course or working experience of ProSource software

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