  • Class and Course

    ProSource Seismic Advanced

    This course presents the advanced concepts and workflows for the ProSource Seismic module, which is a part of ProSource E&P Data Management Suite. You  learn how to manage seismic and navigation data, along with related documents in seismic archives and in interpretation projects. This training is an overview of functionalities for advanced data export workflows and the procedures needed to configure, administer, and troubleshoot ProSource Seismic.

    This training shows you how to efficiently use ProSource Seismic for managing seismic data. Lessons and exercises focus on practical applications and help participants apply new skills immediately.

    This course is intended for petro-technical data administrators, data loaders, data managers and any other data management professionals involved with corporate seismic data that need a deeper understanding of ProSource Seismic configuration, administration and advanced workflows.

    • Create ProSource users and assign application roles to users
    • Manage information about application users using the Business Associates submodel
    • Export data using spatial entitlements and various techniques for spatial data cutting workflows
    • Perform administrative tasks including, but not limited to, setting up email notifications, configuring and managing distributor, CRS aliases and export jobs
    • Explore ProSource Seismic data model and use it for Quality Control and troubleshooting
    • Configure ProSource Seismic using Information Management Administrator console.
    • ProSource Seismic Fundamentals course or working experience in ProSource Seismic software
    • General knowledge and understanding of concepts related to Linux Operating System and Oracle® databases.

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