  • Class and Course

    Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Shale plays

    This course will help the participants understand the essential aspects of reservoir engineering in unconventional resource plays enabling asset team members to make better field development decisions. The course will include topics related to reserves estimation, well testing, fluid evaluation sampling and well and reservoir dynamic modeling.

    Shale gas plays are classified as unconventional resources for a reason, and by this point in the course you’ve seen most of them.  From a reservoir engineering perspective, however, unconventional resources must still comply with conventional laws of physics, which means that most of our tools and methodologies apply, but in different way or focus.  There are different ranges and scales to consider, but the fundamental approach is the same.  This course covers a range of ‘conventional’ reservoir engineering subjects with  special mention about application to shale gas reservoirs when appropriate.

    This course covers the necessary fundamentals of reservoir engineering in shale plays.  Participants are expected to gain a good understanding of  the following key topics covered in this course:

    1. Reserves estimation principles
    2. Well testing principles/philosophies  and Rate transient analysis
    3. Fluid evaluation including sampling techniques & PVT analysis
    4. Production decline analysis – resource and reserves estimation of shale plays
    5. Dynamic modeling and numerical reservoir simulation including dual porosity modeling
    6. Stimulation evaluation.
    Day 1

    Principles of reservoir engineering – Production mechanisms, fundamental fluid and rock properties, including capillary pressure, relative permeability, PVT behavior, and the differences between black oil and compositional fluids.

    • Basic reservoir drive mechanisms
    • Production mechanism in oil/gas shales
    • Phase behavior for five reservoir fluids
    • Rock wettability, relative permeability, capillary pressure

    Workshops – field examples - fluid samples relative perm measurement

    Day 2

    Well evaluation – well testing principles and philosophies, including pressure and rate transient analysis

    • Fundaments in pressure transient test and its limitation in shales
    • Rate transient in gas shale

    Workshop – field examples – rate transient analysis

    Day 3

    Reserves estimation – volumetric and decline curve analysis.  Estimation of resources and reserves in shale gas plays, and the role of decline curve analysis and reservoir simulation.

    • Reserves definitions
    • Reserves estimation using volumetric and decline curve analysis in shales
    • Limitations of these conventional methods

    Workshop – field examples

    Day 4

    Principles of reservoir simulation – static and dynamic modeling, including single-well and full-field modeling.  Incorporating petrophysical and geomechanical data into the reservoir model and validating the models with production history.

    • Introduction to reservoir simulation
    • Model design and calibration
    • Production  prediction
    • Results interpretation

    Workshops – field examples of reservoir simulation in oil / gas shales

    Day 5

    Reservoir simulation with staged fractures in horizontal wells – dual porosity, discrete fracture network modeling, and matrix/fracture transfer functions.  Evaluating the effectiveness of hydraulic fractures with pre and post stimulation analysis.

    • Characteristics of Shale Simulators
    • Production data analysis using reservoir simulation

    Workshop – field examples – Haynesville and Eagle Ford 

    Engineers and Geoscientists interested in developing competencies in reservoir engineering fundamentals of shale plays.

    What are “Unconventional Reservoirs” and how they differ from “Conventional Reservoirs”?

    Overview of Shale Basics

    Identifying the best reservoirs

    Main geologic and engineering considerations for their evaluation and development the fundamentals of fluid flow in porous media.

    Principles of reservoir engineering – Production mechanisms, fundamental fluid and rock properties

    Well evaluation – well testing principles

    Reserves estimation

    Reservoir simulation

    A basic knowledge of reservoir engineering and petroleum geology.

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