  • Class and Course

    Stairways & Ladder Safety

    • Stairways and ladders are a major source of injuries and fatalities among construction workers.
    • OSHA estimates that there are 24882 injuries and as many as 36 fatalities per year due to falls from stairways and ladders used in construction. Nearly half of these injuries are serious enough to require time off the job.
    • 11560 lost workday injuries and 13312 non-lost workday injuries occur annually due to falls from stairways and ladders used in construction. These data demonstrate that work on and around ladders and stairways is hazardous. More importantly, they show that compliance with OSHA’s requirements for the safe use of ladders and stairways could have prevented many of these injuries.

    • The OSHA rules apply to all stairways and ladders used in construction, alteration, repair (including painting and decorating), and demolition of work sites covered by OSHA’s construction safety and health standards.
    Course Objectives:
    • Achieve a minimum score of 70% on the final course assessment.
    • Describe the various types of portable ladders.
    • Discuss the general requirements for using portable ladders.
    • Describe the three-point-control method for climbing ladders.
    • Identify and describe how to determine the correct angle for ladder placement.
    • Describe general safety requirements for stairways during and after construction.
    • Describe stair rail, handrail, and mid-rail design and safety requirements.


    • Classroom - Listening and contributing to discussions and exercises (group Discussions and workshops)

    • Introduction
    • Describe the various types of portable ladders.
    • Discuss the general requirements for using portable ladders.
    • Group Exercise
    • Describe the three-point-control method for climbing ladders.
    • Identify and describe how to determine the correct angle for ladder placement.
    • Describe general safety requirements for stairways during and after construction.
    • Group Exercise
    • Describe stair rail, handrail, and mid-rail design and safety requirements
    • Course review and question
    • Course evaluation
    • Final Assessment

    • Everyone working with Stairs and Ladders.

    • Specification No. 29 CFR 1926.1050
    • General requirements
    • Safety directions
    • Types of stairs
    • Stairways
    • Ladders
    • Portable Ladders
    • Fixed Ladders
    • Using of All Ladders
    • Instructions for stairway safety


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