  • Class and Course

    Studio for Petrel Users - RILS (Remote Instructor Led Series)

    This is a Remote Instructor Led Series (RILS) training. The remote classroom delivery is a modality that takes advantage of the instructor led training content, while allowing the same content to be delivered remotely. All training sessions will be delivered online with no face-to-face classroom attendance.

    The Studio for Petrel Users - RILS course is designed for users who are already familiar with Petrel, but who need to learn about Studio from a user’s perspective. The purpose of this course is to describe basic concepts used in Studio (such as repositories and indexes) and learn how to work in a Studio environment. The training focuses on tools in Petrel that interact with Studio. This course covers topics such as setting up a database connection and synchronizing data between a Petrel project and a Studio repository.

    The Studio for Petrel Users - RILS course will be delivered over a total of nine (9) Hours; i.e. in two (2) sessions lasting 4.5 Hours each.

    Each participant will need the following for an optimal experience of the course:

    • Windows-based PC
    • USB headset
    • Internet access
    • Second monitor or tablet for the course manual(s)
    • Webcam

    Session 1: Modules 1, 2 & 3 (Part 1)

    (4.5 hours)

    • Overview and basic concepts
    • Petrel and the Studio Database
    • Data transfers

    Working in a Studio environment, Petrel users are able to publish data to share with their team, sign up for notifications, and search data from different data sources. During this session, the participants will first become familiar with the Studio environment and learn about the tools provided in Petrel to work in a Studio environment and the interaction between Petrel and the Studio Database. Then, they will be introduced to the process of transferring data between Petrel and Studio and discover how coordinate reference systems (CRS) and seismic reference datum (SRD) are handled in the process.

    Session 2: Modules 3 (Part 2), 4, 5 & 6

    (4.5 hours)

    • Data transfers
    • Find your data
    • Collaborate with your team
    • Manage your data

    During this session, the participants will become familiar with the Search tools and know how to use indexes in Petrel, manage the Search settings, use Find to search for data items across indexed data stores and load them into a Petrel project. They will also learn how to work in the Studio collaboration environment, how data items in Petrel preserve the data transfer history and how to use Annotate and share knowledge in context with team members. The final part of this session will introduce some administrative tasks that data managers can perform using Studio Manager.

    Geophysicists, geologists, geochemists, and technical personnel familiar working in Petrel, but no experience in Studio

    • Overview and basic concepts
    • Petrel and the Studio Database
    • Data transfers
    • Find your data
    • Collaborate with your team
    • Manage your data

    Petrel fundamentals course or equivalent

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