  • Class and Course

    Studio for Techlog Users - (Remote Instructor-Led Series)

    This course is a Remote Instructor Led Series, RILS training that is delivered online with no face-to-face classroom attendance. The course is design for 4 days with a delivery of 4hrs per day. 

    The Studio for Techlog Users course is designed for users who are familiar with Techlog and who need to learn about Studio. Studio answers three major productivity challenges: data discovery, user collaboration and data management. The purpose of this course is to explain the fundamental concepts of Studio and describe the Studio environment and methodology. Aimed at users of Techlog, the course will cover how Techlog users can discover and retrieve data from Studio in the context of their project, share interpretation with their peers and collaborate together. The course covers topics such as connecting to Studio, sending and retrieving data, receiving automatic notifications of updates, locking and unlocking data as well as more advanced workflows such as resolving data matches or conflicts.

    To effectively participate in the training, each learner will need to have the following:

    • A laptop or desktop computer connected to the internet
    • Two monitors or one monitor and a tablet.
    • A headset or speakerphone
    • A webcam (optional but preferred)
    • Techlog Software installed and
    • Active Licenses

    • Information Management Professionals
    • Petrophysicists
    • Geologists
    • Geomechanics Professionals
    • Drilling Engineers
    • Reservoir Engineers
    • Geophysicists
    • Any technical personnel familiar with Techlog but no experience in Studio. 

    • Module 1: Overview and basic concepts
    • Module 2: Techlog and the Studio environment
    • Module 3: Data transfer
    • Module 4: Team collaboration
    • Module 5: Manage your data 

    • Techlog Fundamentals

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