  • Class and Course

    WinGLink for Analysis and Inversion of Magnetotelluric, EM, Gravity and Magnetic Data

    The WinGLink course presents the workflows for analysis and inversion of Magnetotelluric, Time Domain EM, Gravity and Magnetic data. The workflows focus on the data visualization and editing, the construction of map attributes, model building and inversion.

    In this course, you gain an understanding of how to create projects, analyze the data, build a model and do inversion of MT, TDEM, Gravity or Magnetic data.

    You are guided through the diverse WinGLink modules including Maps, Soundings, Pseudo-Sections, X-Sections, 2D Inversion and 3D Modeling.

    At the end of the class students are able to use the supporting material and their experience with the class examples to perform the following with WinGLink

    • Magnetotelluric, Gravity, Magnetic data loading
    • Data visualization and manipulation
    • Interpretation map creation and manipulation
    • Structural modeling and property population
    • 1D, 2D MT data inversion; Gravity and Magnetic Modelling


    The class illustrates how the application is used, taking diverse datasets for each discipline workflow.

    Day 1

    Introduction and Basic Functionality

    • WinGLink Workflows
    • MT Soundings and MT 1D workflow
    • MT Maps and P-sections

    At the end of this session the student will be able to navigate the WinGLink software, explain the MT 1D workflow and produce MT maps and P-sections.              

    Day 2

    TDEM Data and the MT 2D Workflow

    • TDEM soundings, Static Shift and correction by TDEM data
    • MT 2D workflow - Model Building
    • MT 2D workflow – Inversion and Modelling
    • MT Maps and X-sections

    At the end of this session the student will be able to load and manipulate TDEM data, explain the MT 2D workflow and create MT maps and X-sections.  

    Day 3

    MT Wrap-Up and Gravity Data

    • Wrap up for MT
    • MT 3D workflow
    • Gravity Maps and Magnetic Maps
    • Gravity 2.75D Modelling & Magnetic 2.75D Modelling

    At the end of this session the student will be able to explain the MT 3D workflow, create gravity and magnetic maps and run 2.75D gravity and magnetic modelling.                 

    Geoscientists, geophysicists and geologists wishing to learn the workflow for the analysis and inversion of MT, time-domain EM, gravity and magnetic datasets.

    • WinGLink Tools
      • Workflows with Multidiscipline Data import
      • MT Soundings and MT 1D workflow
      • MT Maps and P-sections
      • TDEM soundings, Static Shift and correction by TDEM data
      • MT 2D workflow - Model Building, Inversion and Modeling
      • MT Maps and X-sections
      • MT 3D Workflow
      • Gravity Maps
      • Magnetic Maps
      • Gravity 2.75D Modeling
      • Magnetic 2.75D Modelling

    A knowledge and understanding of magnetotelluric, time-domain electromagnetic, gravity and magnetic data processing theory, basic geology & rock physics, as well as the concepts of the interpretation workflow.

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